Monstrous Music & Games > RPGs and Gaming

Favorite Games ( Table Top, Console... RP, FPS ) Talk About Them!

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I prefer RPGs, honestly. Like... I started playing D&D with my Mother when I was 5... maybe 6?

Yes, I enjoy WoW. Haven't played in forever, but then again, I was never really the type to do anything other than Play it as it is: A Video Game!!!

Final Fantasy of course, but I have been seriously neglected and abused on them. For instance, my first one was Mystic Quest... and I didn't play another one until 10 came out. I know, it's terrible. I got all caught up, and am on FFXIII atm. Sortof stuck, but *shrug* whatchoo gonna do?

Fable II, I've been a total 360 Geek about it. ( Achievement! Achievement! ) Haven't tried Fable III yet. Debating on if I even want to after watching my friends play it.

That's just to start the discussion off.

OO Fable is a good one! I enjoyed WoW quite a lot, but then got tired of it. Now im just addicted to Second Life :) Too bad no one plays DnD any more, I enjoyed our campaigns :(

My friends been in to War Hammer 40K lately (the tabletop). Personally not much of a board game person, but video games. Fable 3 was fun, but I'd only recommend getting it if its gone down in price. Love the Uncharted series, really great stories and gameplay (which, a game with a bad story to me is a game not really worth playing). Enjoy the story of Mass Effect, though I'm hoping the 3rd one will combine the best of both. Little Big Planet will always be fun, and Patapon on the PSP. That pretty much covers 'favorites'.

I'm just not sure if I'd like it. Everything changes from 2 to 3 ...and I'm so attached to 2...

Well you wouldn't need to get rid of 2, and while things do change its nice that your that each weapon has challenges to complete to unlock a new attribute. Also, I thought it was a pretty well done story. And its nice having the addition of decisions that actually feel significant.

Almost forgot, I also love playing Rock Band. Don't have much musical talent (except in piano for some reason, go figure), so this helps me enjoy myself. Its like pretend for adults lol. Also pretty much I can play anything with friends, that's what makes a game the most fun in my opinion. Though a good story-driven single-player is fun too.


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