The Animal Within > The Werewolves' Den

Werewolf Spirit: questions and help


Hello all!
Basically, I have a few questions. Long story short, someone told me I had a werewolf spirit. I thought about it and from what it seems like it kind of makes sense with my personality at times, but at the other end it makes no sense at all. The woman told me no other details on what it is, so if yall could fill me in that would be super(:
thank you!

First of all, Welcome to monstrous Jujeboo,
Second, I would just like to inform you that I am a Werewolf Hybrid (half were, half vampire)

To answer your question, It is not the physical manifestation of a creature, nor is it a mental condition, but rather more akin to the dream quests that a shaman may take.
It is believed that the spirit of a person projects apart from the body, and takes the shape of one's totem animal/spirit during astral projection. The transformation on the astral plane permits intensely surreal experiences.
A theriomorph is a shapeshifter; a being who can assume an animal as well as a human form. A spiritual theriomorph is someone who at least sees aspects of animals in his or her personality and actions, and those aspects shape who he or she is.

Hope this helps,

Thank you WinterHybrid! I most defiantly see what you're saying, because often times in my dreams I'm a wolf, so I'm guessing that has something to do to with it? While we're on the subject, way before this I was told I may be a wolf therian, or something, is that the same thing? Sorry if I sound completely idiotic I'm fairly new to this whole thing haha. x

You are NOT idiotic,
I'm new to this too!
Hang in there love!
Okay, so,
Therian is a subset of the general term "Otherkin" which denotes someone who believes their Self to be, in some way/shape/form, not human the way the body is. This can be either through mental archetypes (Lone wolf, crafty fox, fierce dragon, etc), spiritual causes (soul is made in a "type" that is not human, but is born in a human body), or through beliefs in reincarnation (past life as a non-human that had a strong imprint upon the soul/spirit/Self).

Therians specifically are the earth-native creatures. The other group is, in general, referred to as the mythics. These are the fae, the dragons, the aliens, etc.

Mature otherkin are willing to admit that their beliefs are quite out there. However, they also don't obsess over their beliefs, nor let them impact their lives in a detrimental way. They hold jobs, go to school, raise families, just as the rest of humanity does. And they frequently embrace their being human now as well.
This happens to me all the time darling,
Anything else?


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