The Animal Within > The Werewolves' Den

What in Gods name is happening to me?

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Hello all, A few days ago I posted a topic about a werewolf spirit.
Basically I've been thinking and I'm starting to get scared, and there's been weird things happening for a few months now and I can't explain it. Now, I don't believe I'm a werewolf because that would wouldn't happen, I'm not.
But I have these characteristics that kind of freak me out and if y'all could help me figure this out, it would be much appreciated(:

When I say weird characteristics, there isn't many, but many variations of it.

Some days I wake up and I'm in a "dream state" of sort, I wander around, my vision gets funny, I can't explain it but its like I can zoom in on certain things and see very detail of it, and my senses are increased by hell knows what.
Not sure if this has anything to do with it, but I was still born, so naturally all of my senses are horrible and health wise my body is very weak. But sometimes this changes, overall,  I'm very strong for a girl my size and age, and some days it grows and I can carry my 6'3 200 pound boyfriend around no problems.

I am a very skilled hunter. I feel like I can almost smell the deer when I hunt, and I can easily track them.

Somedays, I just need to run. Like I have too. And when I do, I don't have the constant tense sensation anymore and I can run forever, typically always to the woods.

There are many other things but this is already so long. But what I'm really concerned about are my anger phases. Something will tick me off, or nothing at all. And I change as a person. I have two types of these anger phases that happen to me. First one i just feel like I could rip someone's throat out, I'm easily set off and this is when my eyes change usually.
My breathing becomes heavy, and I lash out sometimes which is bad, clearly. I will claw and even bite anyone who gets too close to me. The second one is what really scares me. Now this does not happen to often, and nothing ticks me off usually, but I grow angry, and my whole body goes numb, and I shake and sweat and I feel like every part of my being Is going to burst. My joints pop at times, and I mean leg bones popping out of my hip. My breathing is heavy but what freaks me out is my eyes. My pupils dilate to almost takin up my whole eye and the gold ring I have in my eyes takes up the rest.

I also play fight too much with my friends and they get mad and tell me I don't realize how hard I hit or bite, also I feel the need to chew on things, like I'm teething. I've also always been lunatic,

I do believe i know what started this, but I'm not sure and I have always been like this but not as bad. I'm telling you all because I am extremely scared, something bad happened the other day so I had to tell because I'm starting to think I'm crazy.

If you read this whole thing,
Bless you.
And If you wish to know the whole story, feel free to message me.
Any advice is wanted because I'm horrified over what I'm turning into.

Thank you much.

Oh it's not that bad. You are showing signs of lycanthropy. I have some of the same symptomes and it's not necessarily a bad thing, you're just awakening. You shouldn't be scared, however you do need to be careful. Just send me a message if you would like anymore of my input. :)

BTW Jujeboo, your message inbox is full. Let me know when you've cleared it.

It should be clear now

Sorry, it's still full. Maybe if you e-mailed me it might be better. You can find my e-mail in my profile. To be perfectly honest, I don't know whose idea it was to allow room for only two messages.


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