Witches Brew > The Book of Shadows

charms and talisman

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charms and talismans....hmm...

i just use it as sort of a protection. i tried using a pentacle but it came with a heavy price. now, all i just use is a crucifix

  Since you already know about some of the seperate sybols of magic there really isn't much that we can tell you.  You want to make a talasman inscibed with runes of power, which is fine, but look into what materials do what in the occult.  Example Jade is supposed to have different properties of Obsidian which has differing properties of Sandstone.  It will be up to you to decipher the intent behind the talisman, trust me, you simply do not want to make an object of power because something looks pretty.  There are a varied assortment of treefrogs that are very pleasing to the eye, and they are as deadly as they are pretty.  One more little tidbit of info for talismans.  Start researching Hoodoo, many of their spells are physically orientated.

welllp thanx for the information i think ill shall use them to merely expand my control over the element of water

okay i just got a snake skin again any suggestions on what to do with it


--- Quote from: Levinthross on June 22, 2009, 01:50:22 AM ---okay i just got a snake skin again any suggestions on what to do with it

--- End quote ---

  Make a belt.  Actually I'm serious, make a belt, inscibed inside with symbols you wish to use to boister those chacteristics you deem needing a little extra help.


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