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Fountain of Youth

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If there is/was a fountain of youth,  I would go and swim in it till I almost drown, then drink it  until I pop like a tick  :laugh: :laugh:

Father time has been very cruel to me  :gun:


--- Quote from: markus on July 16, 2010, 04:09:52 AM ---If there is/was a fountain of youth,  I would go and swim in it till I almost drown, then drink it  until I pop like a tick  :laugh: :laugh:

Father time has been very cruel to me  :gun:

--- End quote ---

  I can feel you there my friend, father time I think has it in for me also.   

  Now that is comedy!  Thanks for the levity dear, it is so few and far between for me after all.

Kadesh is right of course, I have nothing but the utmost respect for both of you.

As for the fountain and all...

First, as I and others have said before me, the folks who want to live forever are those same people who don't know what to do on a rainy day.

Second, has no one given any thought to the idea that maybe the "Fountain of Youth" is a metaphor? Think about it. Back then the Old World was pretty much used up. Hence why there was so much exploration. So, you find a new world to explore, and the excitement makes you feel younger, more invigorated. Now, when you go back home; what would you tell people to get them interested in going there?

"There, in that New World, lies a fountain which restores your youth, and makes you young again!"

Being generally stupid, people would fail to see the metaphor and start looking for a literal fountain, instead of just appreciating the bounty of the land and enjoying themselves.

As a metaphor, much could be said same about the Holy Grail. But I see your point friend. Although in some writings I found in Puerto Rico at the the Fort of Ponce De Leon, he mentions the Fountain of Youth and says that he's sent a few men off to bear witness of it and none has ever returned, even though he is claiming to have witnessed such a thing. Go figure.


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