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Its the End of the World as we know it! Do you feel fine?

Started by Nina, October 09, 2011, 01:20:38 PM

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Np Vicious and T, I had to pull it back to the track ;) We all tend to get imaginative with these sorts of things. ;)

April, yeah, that will be the only way to live if we wanna survive. Even if there wont be looters and such, it is easier for a bigger group to take care of the rest if they are properly organized.


definately -the History Channel aired a documentary called "After Armageddon" that depicted people living through a pandemic and how things went back to the way they were in the 1800's more or less-farming communities-in that situation somebody who knew how to grow food would be needed-that's a skill everyone should try to learn
Tell me over and over again my friend how you dont believe we're on the eve of destruction-Barry Macguire


Well, in that case I have a good shot to survive. Animals and plants are my thing ;) oh, and keeping fire. Im a cave woman deep inside, and proud of it, ahahaha


I can handle myself when it comes to weapons, and animals love me. Plants, eh, never really tried much there. But my friend knows a good deal and has been wanting to teach me some on identification and such.
"Intelligence is the flower of discrimination. There are many examples of the flower blooming but not bearing fruit."

"True warriors are humble men"


That is why more people are better, every one has their field they are good at ;)


yes even if maybe you think well I dont have any skills but really if you know how to do gardening and preserving food and things like that you would be very useful
Tell me over and over again my friend how you dont believe we're on the eve of destruction-Barry Macguire


I think the only problem is agreeing on a leader. I know some will say that there is no need for a leader, but there is. It's much more necessary than some give it credit for.
"Intelligence is the flower of discrimination. There are many examples of the flower blooming but not bearing fruit."

"True warriors are humble men"


particularly in that situation because it really would take everyone working together to produce enough food for everyone-this mind you is only if whatever situation ended civilization didnt destroy the environment too-people would have to work together to keep out other survivors because their communities couldnt support them
Tell me over and over again my friend how you dont believe we're on the eve of destruction-Barry Macguire


Well, no matter what it does to the environment, I'd like to think we could adapt.
"Intelligence is the flower of discrimination. There are many examples of the flower blooming but not bearing fruit."

"True warriors are humble men"


yes we would have to -it would be much harder though if the situation were say a nuclear holocaust or comet strike or supervolcanic eruption -in any scenario though people will look for a leader, someone to tell them what to do
Tell me over and over again my friend how you dont believe we're on the eve of destruction-Barry Macguire


Quote from: ViciouslyMe on October 26, 2011, 11:11:35 AM
I think the only problem is agreeing on a leader. I know some will say that there is no need for a leader, but there is. It's much more necessary than some give it credit for.

One person to over see individual responsibilities?
Or individual persons to oversee individual responsibiltiies? Like a Committee?
"Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle."


That part of the problem that comes up when deciding on a leader. Should there be one or many? Who can be trusted to not be bribed? Who can be trusted to not give in to threats? Who wants what's best for the group and who is out only for themselves?
"Intelligence is the flower of discrimination. There are many examples of the flower blooming but not bearing fruit."

"True warriors are humble men"


Maybe we would revert to ancient "The strongest is the leader" and end up in battles... We'd form an animalistic tribe, like a pack after that.
"Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle."


I think that some sort of committee would be better. I dont really believe that one man could decide WHAT to do in every aspect of "tribe" needs. One for food-farming, one for animals, one for healing needs, and one for defense. I dont see the need for more. Ive seen communities do pretty well like this.


Quote from: aprilc1 on October 26, 2011, 09:02:33 AM
definately -the History Channel aired a documentary called "After Armageddon" that depicted people living through a pandemic and how things went back to the way they were in the 1800's more or less-farming communities-in that situation somebody who knew how to grow food would be needed-that's a skill everyone should try to learn

April, I saw that too! It was a really good representation of what would happen to! But I thought at the end what if it wasn't a pandemic, what if it was a comet impact or nuclear holocaust....

QuoteWell, in that case I have a good shot to survive. Animals and plants are my thing ;) oh, and keeping fire. Im a cave woman deep inside, and proud of it, ahahaha

A lot of communities outside the Metro area are farming communities in my State, so they would revert to 1800s and become self-sufficent city-states probably...

Nina and I wouldn't have a hard time...I'm a natural hunter (archery or firearms) and I have a sixth sense for defense and danger, and am good at Navigation by the Stars and know Wiccan herbal healing..I ain't half bad at keeping or starting fire either or fashioning weapons (bows and arrows)...I could be a great diplomat and am very persuasive too, so I'd probably lead whatever community I came into after a short time, I'm forced into the leadership role so often anyway, not a stretch to imagine that!

Actually, I'd have a better life than I do right now! I'm more suited to the Post-Apocalyptic or Prehistoric Life than to my current life...

QuoteI think that some sort of committee would be better. I dont really believe that one man could decide WHAT to do in every aspect of "tribe" needs. One for food-farming, one for animals, one for healing needs, and one for defense. I dont see the need for more. Ive seen communities do pretty well like this.

I'd probably be either the hunting (animals) or defense guy on that Commitee Nina...

QuoteMaybe we would revert to ancient "The strongest is the leader" and end up in battles... We'd form an animalistic tribe, like a pack after that.

I can see communities left to their own devices having five main fourms of "government"...

- Animalistic Tribe = Anarchy/Tribal
- Self-proclaimed Monarchy = Monarchy
- Theocratic-based = Theocracy
- Commitee-based = Democractic
- Commune-based = Socialist/Communist

Don't think the last one won't happen, even in America! Currently "Blue States" like mine have a fair amount of Socialists in could easily happen in a few communities....

Maybe we would revert to ancient "The strongest is the leader"

Is being put in a leadership role or assuming one on your own power because of your skill set and leadership skills animalistic or tribal? That happens to me even in our current world!

If so, I guess things come full circle, here's to being a Viking Warlord like my ancestors *toasts* :-P
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