Ghost Photographer Shares Secrets

Started by Loki, October 10, 2003, 04:52:55 AM

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RENO, Nev. (Wireless Flash) -- A woman who claims she's taken pictures of more than 100 ghosts is sharing a secret to snapping spirits: Try going to a celebrity cemetery.
Shannon Roberts says she's gotten some of her best shots at Los Angeles-area graveyards which cater to the stars.

She thinks the ghosts of entertainers are more likely to mug for the camera because they're "hammier" than ordinary Joes.

Some of the stars whose spirits she's snapped at graveyards include Marilyn Monroe, Lucille Ball and Alfred Hitchcock.

Roberts also makes a habit of taking pictures of TV coverage whenever a celebrity dies, and says she just got a great shot of an angel waving "hello" over Johnny Cash's shoulder in an interview he did with Larry King just before he passed away.

One other tip for wannabe ghost photographers: Don't expect to get any shots worthy of "Playboy."

Roberts says spirits are very modest and in all her years of taking pictures, she's only caught two in the nude: Rudolph Valentino and a voluptuous woman, who were in an intimate embrace.
The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist." - Charles Baudelaire (French and monstrous poet).