Top Ten Signs You're watching a Bad Horror Movie

Started by Voo, August 13, 2005, 11:02:28 PM

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Top Ten Signs You're Watching a Bad Horror Movie

10. Terrifying zombie looks suspiciously like Keith Richards

9. Killer keeps saying, "I know what you had for lunch."

8. When the dead guy's hand reaches up from the grave, all it wants is a "high-five"

7. Instead of a hockey mask, killer wears really frightening sombrero

6. Joe Pesci plays an undead mob boss "Whack-ula"

5. Plot involves guy with allergies stuck on an island inhabited by fluffy kitties

4. Victims keep screaming, "Please kill me -- this movie sucks."

3. Biggest scream comes when movie-goers hear the price of a large popcorn

2. You've seen more blood during a haircut at Supercuts

1. It's just like "Scream", without all the really scary crap


we are all much more complicated than our names

I dunno, if you play em right, 8, 5, 10, 7, and 9 could be the key ingredients to a pretty demented film.

I'll direct and produce, you be the star. Now question is, will you be the scantily clad female idiot who goes investigating noises or the dead guy reaching up through the ground for the remote?????????? :lol:

Another sign is when the "murderer" jumps out around the corner and instead of jumping you laugh at his outfit.

Or you're watching "Satan's Little Helper." (Most demented movie ever)

Those were pretty good.  Definitely signs one's watching a bad horror movie.

There's no such thing as a bad horror movie.  Unless of course the person watching it has an inkling of taste...which I don't.
Death is never certain until you get poked in the eye with a stick.