The Spirit Key

Started by Devious Viper, August 17, 2006, 02:53:46 PM

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(Excerpt from Alan Murdie & Paul Sieveking's "Ghostwatch" in the current issue of Fortean Times)

That Christianity is not uniformly hostile to the serious investigation of [paranormal] phenomena has been amply demonstrated over many years (the President of the Society for Psychical Research was a Bishop and there has, of course, been Fortean TV's own Rev. Lionel Fanthorpe in recent years.) Since 1953, much quiet work and research has been undertaken by the Churches Fellowship for Spiritual and Psychic Studies.

Just how down-to-earth the approach of the more open-minded clergy may be is shown by an article in the June 2006 edition of The Christian Parapsychologist. Writing in the [magazine] the Rev. Michael Pennington states:

"If I go to a house and people say with a shiver that a particular room is always cold, the first thing I do is to bleed the radiator - I always carry a key with me."

A useful tip.
