Apocalypse Soon > The End

The Mayan Calendar has come to an End

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they've been predicting doomsday for over 2000 years, before the romans unified all their world each culture had it's own version of timekeeping and yearly cycles...i'm rather fond of the thirteen month agriculture based time, it's more fitting with the natural way of how we were meant to exist with nature, on it's time scale rather than making it fit ours.

people'd have better luck spinning a black jack wheel and winning money than being able to narrow down who and what culture actually had the truth of the end of the world.

universal beginnings and endings aren't our job to manage, surviving them to the best of our ability is.

I agree with Jordyn, and anyways it'd be impossible to pinpoint judgement day without some 'divine intervention' we have a built in instinct for self preservation that simply fools your brain into coming up with some way to deny doomsday. Allegedly Christ himself didn't know and according to christianity he's part of it correct? Anyway I'm hoping that comic is accurate  :laugh:


--- Quote from: cylinder2166 on March 16, 2012, 11:21:55 PM ---I agree with Jordyn, and anyways it'd be impossible to pinpoint judgement day without some 'divine intervention' we have a built in instinct for self preservation that simply fools your brain into coming up with some way to deny doomsday. Allegedly Christ himself didn't know and according to christianity he's part of it correct? Anyway I'm hoping that comic is accurate  :laugh:

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Ultimately yeah...in the actual ends of times he shows up on a white horse to combat the antagonists and that's when the devil gets cast down into a lake of fire and bound by chains for a thousand years of peace ruled by the savior until the world, really ends.  I haven't seen the one thousand years of peace yet and the muslims still hold the temple...no worries.


--- Quote from: jordyn on May 09, 2012, 08:57:44 AM ---Ultimately yeah...in the actual ends of times he shows up on a white horse to combat the antagonists and that's when the devil gets cast down into a lake of fire and bound by chains for a thousand years of peace ruled by the savior until the world, really ends.

--- End quote ---

Assuming, of course, that the Book of the Revelation of Saint John is factual, and not (a) the ravings of a madman or (b) a vastly misunderstood political treatise against the Romans.

After all, all that talk of signs, symbols and portents is in direct opposition to the words attributed to Jesus by St. Luke: "The P’rushim asked Yeshua when the Kingdom of God would come. "The Kingdom of God," he answered, "does not come with visible signs; nor will people be able to say, 'Look! Here it is!' or, 'Over there!' Because, you see, the Kingdom of God is among you." (Luke 17:20-21) Perhaps if more Christians actually read those words instead of hoping for an armageddon and a seat in the magic sky castle, they might actually become likeable, pleasant people. Although that equally applies to most other religions.

the world has always been, human culture always climbs out of the ashes and the world will never end...only our current existance in it, if any of us is still alive to witness it.  It's awfully fun to cojecture about though.  :D


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