Faeries, The Fay & The Hidden > Faeries & The Fay

Fae... What is it exactly?

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 You are totally speaking my language. I loved that show. I don't care how corney and hokey it was. Giles was great, btw.

I still watch it. It reminds me of a simpler time. lol.

 I wouldn't even know where to find it anymore. They usually end up taking my favorite shows off TV or just making them so stupid and crazy that they aren't worth watching anymore.

 I've often wondered how many fey are responsible for hikers disappearing and similar such things....

There are millions of dissapearances every year so it could be anything. Could be fay.

 Some fey playing at ghost... or beast... making noises and scaring people or getting some idiot to follow them into the wild blue yonder...


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