The Darker Side > Demons, Demonology and The Devil

Are demons a real supernatural event?

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I'm very confused.  I'm 20 years old.  About 1 or 2 years ago I became extremely uncertain about the existence of god, religion, and honestly anything supernatural that couldn't be explained scientifically or make even a small amount of sense.  I've never witnessed anything supernatural as far as I'm aware.  I'm not closed off to the existence of supernatural stuff, I'm open to the possibility of anything really.  But I have not had a reason to believe. 

I don't understand why so many people seem convinced ghosts, demons, and supernatural events are real, but yet most of the scientific community is extremely skeptical of it. 
Why is it that with the widespread usage of smart phones and cameras that little to no CREDIBLE evidence has appeared?  Everything (as far as I've researched) is questionable at best. 

I don't want to do something crazy like use a ouija board and ask a demon or spirit to show itself, because if I'm wrong....well that wouldn't be very fun.  I did attempt to record some evp's a few hours ago.  Just asked the basic "is anyone there?"    "What's your name?" Etc.  I got zero responses, increasing my skepticism towards all of this stuff. 

Being a scientific and logical minded person, I've noticed a pattern that I'm certain is very well known.  Entities need energy.  That appears to abide by the laws of physics.  What if these "entities" are not supernatural beings, but natural beings that can somehow interact with our world in ways we have yet to understand? 

I see that some people actually hunt demons on this site.  I first came to this site about a year or two ago, and I thought most of you were crazy.  But I've since changed my mind.  I just don't know what is the truth.  That's what I'm seeking. 


--- Quote from: markml0528 on June 10, 2012, 11:42:52 PM ---I just don't know what is the truth.  That's what I'm seeking.

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Seeking "the truth" is easy.

In the movie Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade, the character of Dr. Jones sums this up nicely:

--- Quote ---Archaeology is the search for "fact"...not "truth". If it's truth you're interested in, Dr. Tyree's philosophy class is right down the hall. So forget any ideas you've got about lost cities, exotic travel, and digging up the world. We do not follow maps to buried treasure, and "X" never, ever, marks the spot. Seventy percent of all archaeology is done in the library. Research. Reading. We cannot afford to take mythology at face value.
--- End quote ---

"Fact" is something that exists or is present in reality, and can be demonstrated to be so. "Truth" is what a person believes. If you believe that something is true, then it is true.

In 1997, Michael Shermer, one of the founders of Skeptic Magazine, wrote about how the "Unexplained Is Not Inexplicable":

--- Quote ---Many people are overconfident enough to think that if they cannot explain something, it must be inexplicable and therefore a true mystery of the paranormal. An amateur archeologist declares that because he cannot figure out how the pyramids were built, they must have been constructed by space aliens. Even those who are more reasonable at least think that if the experts cannot explain something, it must be inexplicable. Feats such as the bending of spoons, firewalking, or mental telepathy are often thought to be of a paranormal or mystical nature because most people cannot explain them. When they are explained, most people respond, "Yes, of course" or "That's obvious once you see it." Firewalking is a case in point. People speculate endlessly about supernatural powers over pain and heat, or mysterious brain chemicals that block the pain and prevent burning. The simple explanation is that the capacity of light and fluffy coals to contain heat is very low, and the conductivity of heat from the light and fluffy coals to your feet is very poor. As long as you don't stand around on the coals, you will not get burned. (Think of a cake in a 450°F oven. The air, the cake, and the pan are all at 450°F, but only the metal pan will burn your hand. It has a high heat capacity and high conductivity, while air and cake are light and fluffy and have a low heat capacity and low conductivity.) This is why magicians do not tell their secrets. Most of their tricks are extremely simple and knowing the secret takes the magic out of the trick.

There are many genuine unsolved mysteries in the universe and it is okay to say, "We do not yet know but someday perhaps we will." The problem is that most of us find it more comforting to have certainty, even if it is premature, than to live with unsolved or unexplained mysteries.
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--- Quote from: markml0528 on June 10, 2012, 11:42:52 PM ---Entities need energy

--- End quote ---

What entities? What energy?

--- Quote from: markml0528 on June 10, 2012, 11:42:52 PM ---I first came to this site about a year or two ago, and I thought most of you were crazy

--- End quote ---

They are.

--- Quote from: markml0528 on June 10, 2012, 11:42:52 PM ---About 1 or 2 years ago I became extremely uncertain about the existence of god, religion, and honestly anything supernatural that couldn't be explained scientifically or make even a small amount of sense.

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Shermer again: "I am often asked by believers why I abandoned Christianity and how I found meaning in the apparently meaningless universe presented by science. The implication is that the scientific world-view is an existentially depressing one. Without God, I am bluntly told, what's the point? If this is all there is, there is no use. To the contrary. For me quite the opposite is true. The conjuncture of losing my religion, finding science, and discovering glorious contingency was remarkably empowering and liberating. It gave me a sense of joy and freedom. Freedom to think for myself. Freedom to take responsibility for my own actions. Freedom to construct my own meanings and my own destinies. With the knowledge that this may be all there is, and that I can trigger my own cascading changes, I was free to live life to its fullest.

This is not to say that those who are religious cannot share in these freedoms. But for me, and not just for me, a world absent monsters, ghosts, demons, and gods unfetters the mind to soar to new heights, to think unthinkable thoughts, to imagine the unimaginable, to contemplate infinity and eternity knowing that no one is looking back. The universe takes on a whole new meaning when you know that your place in it was not foreordained, that it was not designed for us, indeed, that it was not designed at all. If we are nothing more than star stuff and bio mass, how special life becomes. If the tape were played again and again without the appearance of our species, how extraordinary becomes our existence, and, correspondingly, how cherished. To share in the sublimity of knowledge generated by other human minds, and perhaps even to make a tiny contribution toward that body of knowledge that will be passed down through the ages, part of the cumulative wisdom of a single species on a tiny planet orbiting an ordinary star on the remote edge of a not-so-unusual galaxy, itself a member of a cluster of galaxies millions of light years from nowhere, is sublime beyond words."


If there was never an appearance of our species, would anyone really know how it'd be?

"Entities need energy.  That appears to abide by the laws of physics.  What if these "entities" are not supernatural beings, but natural beings that can somehow interact with our world in ways we have yet to understand? "

We're sort of like demons, monsters, ghosts and all the other plagues of rational men everywhere...we only exist because we believe we exist, there are only laws because we insist on certain behaviors as a collective, we know there's gravity because we experience it. most of this comes down to personal philosophy derived from personal experiences and where a person's faith lays through those experiences. How many things once thought magic were explained by science, i tend to agree with this ideal.

I prefer my world to have both magic and beauty in it...the tangible world and my spiritual soul allows me to enjoy the luxury of both, while learning from the misery of their flipsides. I see the splendor of the universe and love the intricate beauty of how it's all woven so finely that one missing element and none of it'll exist. There will always be things science can't explain, that's where dreams and imagination become an important aspect of our nature and allowed us to become the dominate creatures of this world.

Thinking by your feelings is the first step, if you've been off the radar so far...staying there is a good idea, sounds like you've got the hard part figured out.  :)


--- Quote ---Thinking by your feelings is the first step
--- End quote ---

Your feelings are generated by your brain through certain chemicals. Thinking is also a process in your level of consciousness done by your brain. Therefor, you cannot 'think by your feelings'. Your brain is the only thing you can think,feel,sense with.

Apparantly intuition and spontaneous inspirations are foreign ideals to you.

*let me elaborate...You sense or feel something odd, you think about what and why your feeling that, your brain processes it against already established knowledges, your body receives the message and then the body and mind react in unison to the situation and viola...a human feeling put into thought and then manifested accordingly by the person processing the sensation.

Should we get into the neurology of faith and belief?


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