Witches Brew > The Book of Shadows

familiars and summoning.

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okayyyy huh??? i thought totems were sort of guardians which where looked to for inspiration guidance and protoection sort of like a metaphysical role model. They arent something you should be able to necissarily altar with magic but moving forward attaching spirits to a object makes the object a fetish of sorts and if the fetish itself contains the spirit then its energy supply should be contained and seperate from yours making it so that the spirit would if kept in a static or at rest no energy would be needed or expended however leaving part of a spirits essence and not the whole spirit itself merely makes the fetish a object used to ease summoning. If you want a entity of protection i would recommend creating a egregore of sorts and attaching it to a object so that it either stays with you or has a small portion of its spirit wso that it can be called in times of need, or like many priests do creating a figure of there gods they evoke a small portion of there power which stays in such a image and thus becomes a sort of spirit representitive of that god this can be done to protect a place and ive often seen it done with merely keeping a scarecrow out and about a goddess figurine or even a doll. as to the nature of a familiar most magicians and magic practitionerrs have assisting spirits which they have  good regard with but a fmailiar is usually seen more as a servant or extreme confedant also for less spiritual practitioners there familiars serve as there spiritual representitive and counterpart which makes the relation between a witch and there fmaliar very intimate and not taken litely.

In conjunction does anyone know how one would go to summoning the spirit of a dead animal familiar with only osme hair a few pictures and a collar/scarf

hmmm im not sure but thats how ive been treating it as such with special reservation to hecate a triplicity transportaion death goddess one of her symbols is the dog but i dont  have a standby summon the spirit of a dead person spell nor do the few ive found online or in new age books seem to work or have adaptable parts.

Could a filmiler be a shadow animal? Cause I always feel like one is around me. I saw one which look like a cat which I feel like it with me no matter where I go. and it is it possible to make a item that serve as vessel?

It is possible for familiars to present themselves in shadow form. As for "vessels" I suppose it depends on what you mean by vessel. If you mean creating an inanimate object which the spirit could enter/inhabit, I've never heard of anything like it. Representations of the animal are very common to honor the animal & to keep it in your thoughts.

As for summoning an animal spirit I would have to agree that it is probably similar to summoning a human spirit. There are a number of good books on the subject of animal/pet spirits available right now. I'll see if I can get a list together & post later.


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