FAERIE DOORS - how are they made and how do they work ?

Started by confused_mystery, July 13, 2010, 03:34:18 PM

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i've just read a dead thread about faerie doors but nothing was really answered.

but i'd love to know exactly how can faerie doors be made and how do they work ?

if anyone knows anything 'bout faerie doors then im all ears and ready for input X)

thanx :)
Rejected and abandoned by all, as i walk fear is marked by the eyes of all...

what about that mushroom circle thing... does that work at all or is it just fake?

hmm idk, tell me 'bout it, and have u tried it if u know how to set it up then get it started ?
Rejected and abandoned by all, as i walk fear is marked by the eyes of all...

nope srry dont really know much about them just have heard of them

mushroom circles do work
the wind that chills the night, the fire's golden light
the oceans call to you, the earthen fated tune,
I am the ivy binding tight i hold the spells all through the night, i am
nightshade's fated swoon of deaths kiss and witches broom

The fairy ring is a circle of toadstools. It occurs naturally and it is said that if you rub fairy ointment (you will find different recipes for this online as no one is sure of the original) on your eyelids and enter the circle the fae will come for you. But try not to fall asleep. They may take you away and never bring you back. And just to warn you. They aren't happy cute little tinkerbells. They are emotional, highly strung, and easely offended. They might rip out your eyes just for looking at them. Thats a very common outcome.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alexander Pope.

ah thanx. my friend wanted to know more 'bout  faeries because shes obsessed with 'em because she likes how they're portrayed as happy or goth(her favorite ones) graceful tinks.

so this post was for her but although i hate showing her monstrous because she took it as a joke and doubted and denied everything 'bout monstrous and used damn science excuses to explain monstrous.. agh that pissed me off so much, i took it too personal XD.

XD see shes one of those people that they hear a slight noise that can be explained with common sense but thinks its a ghost XD XD its funny XD then tells me "hey did u hear that ??? can u sense a ghost ? " but then usually tell her "dude nothin is here and plus its the ventilation or _" XD its so funny XD XD

:focus: so thanks for the tips but are there any other "nicer faeries" or thats how they all are in general ?

Rejected and abandoned by all, as i walk fear is marked by the eyes of all...

hmm well thats nice to know that the toadstool circle works

and im sure that there are a few nice faeries... and if not... then im gonna be scared to even meet one

Faeries are fickle creatures, even that sentence could of annoyed them. They are sensitive and don't hesitate to lash out if angered. (They are also really pretty) I am just saying that so people are careful. Show anyone or anything respect and you will be more likely to be safe. If you do show disrespect try to apologize that at least will demonstrate you are such an ignorant human as most are commonly thought to be.

Okay there is a lot of validity to Faerie circles. They can consist of mushrooms, usually bright ones (which usually means poisonous so do not consume). I have also heard that it can be done with flowers. Usually bright colors like white or pink. Now these circles don't really happen as naturally as we think. There is definitely some outside influence to make them into a circle. Even if that is just humans or maybe the faeries themselves.

There are nice Faeries they are all "nice", unless you annoy them (which is easy).

I have also heard about this faerie ointment. (I just offended Faeries by not capitalizing the word Faerie they can be that fickle sometimes) From what I have heard it will burn your eyes and allow you to see the Faeries.  That is one version and apparently from what Angelus just said it can also allow passage into the faerie's realm.

How are you supposed to enter these circles? I have thought they were small in size so to enter them you would destroy them. (I am thinking about the size of a basket ball at largest) I did not know they expand to human size. Or perhaps someone has to create their own circle to do this.
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.

wow lol sounds like they get annoyed by a lot of things... o no... i annoyed them

they must really hate most humans. and also that ointment sounds dangerous to use.

The fae don't realy hate us, but see us as lesser creatures. Play things. Fae are vastly more inteligent but still are very child like in nature. Imagine the worst tempere three year old, now imagine it with near god like powers. The ointment for your eyes allows you to see the fairy folks. You can use it to initiate a meeting with them. A faerie circle can be any size. They can naturally occur to occupy up to about 4 humans. They arent good or evil. Just insanely emotional.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alexander Pope.

oh now i get it. still, i would and wouldnt want to meet one for fear of making them angry lol.

XD i agree with "i love wolves". i mean i'd want to because it would be cool to meet some BUT at the same time they seem every dangerous for their short tempers and then some of the ways of getting into their realms are dangerous XD

could spirits enter their realm as well?
Rejected and abandoned by all, as i walk fear is marked by the eyes of all...

I dont know... i guess it could be possible. but i dont study faeries though.

lol idk but hopefull matthew or angelus knows XD
Rejected and abandoned by all, as i walk fear is marked by the eyes of all...