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Witnesses Shocked to See Religious Statues Glowing, Talking, Moving

Started by Nina, April 03, 2011, 07:49:47 AM

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Reports are filtering in from Malaysia through social media and independent news sites that a recent incident involved hundreds of witnesses standing in front of statues of Buddha and seeing the statues emit light, move their mouths, and even their fingers.  The witnesses, unsure of what else to do, began documenting the phenomenon.  This is certainly a strange one for the record books - and yet it has many concerned over the spiritual implications.  The witnesses also reported seeing a strange bolt of energy floating into the statues before they started becoming animate.

rest at:


"Intelligence is the flower of discrimination. There are many examples of the flower blooming but not bearing fruit."

"True warriors are humble men"


Age is not defined by years, but by intellect and maturity.


Yes, I remember reading about this. I  watched this on a you tube video (the source of all true, unbiased news) The film was shot by a cellular phone and it was rather shaky. So it was rather difficult to see the movements of the statues in contrast to the shaking of the camera. But from what little difference I was able to assess, the statues seemed to be moving. The movements were very minor and were only within the face. I was not able to see anything besides the face in the videos. So the fingers are left out of this.

The most common comment I have heard on this, which I also share, is that everyone in the room is loud. The mouths are the statue are moving and it may be a miracle. Well if it is a miracle should there not be a gasp of silence? Perhaps the statues come with words, but alas these individuals seemed to market the miracle instead of treasure it.  So maybe those statues, while everyone was yelling, told us the secret to life? Perhaps they unveiled the location of a long lost relic or lost knowledge. We will not be able to distinguish if that is the case or not because of the inability to hear the statues.
Please go ahead and tell me the statues that can move by themselves at the mouth are also unable to talk, I believe it when I don't hear it!  %&$ (I feel these make my posts more upbeat)

I also remember a few people mentioning that the statues were hit by a bolt of energy before they started moving, but no clarification on that yet.

Now to be clear I do not have a firm opinion to say whether this is a miracle or not.

I do think that if this happens in the future, the room should be silent so that we may hear, or not hear, what else there is to perceive. If that is not agreeable to someone, then I encourage them to offer a reason why their actions outweigh the unknown value of the situation.

But then again I'm trying to listen to magic, moving, and talking statues. (We have toys that do the same thing with some batteries, which of course are not included)
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.


Well made points Matthew, but I honestly don't know how I myself would react. I can't say if I would be completely silent or loud. Still, you could also be right. No way of knowing unless one of use were actually there.
"Intelligence is the flower of discrimination. There are many examples of the flower blooming but not bearing fruit."

"True warriors are humble men"

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