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Doomsday Preppers

Started by Nina, June 27, 2011, 01:30:10 PM

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I am actually pretty delicious, I would also eat myself if possible.  *<:)

Don't worry about it, I found it funny. However, if we employ cannibalism, everyone is fair game. If someone is trying to eat me, I should have the right to try and ingest them.

If human meat is anywhere close to pork, I will be a happy serial killer.. I mean, man...

Perhaps we should make a human cook book, just in case?
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.



Lol.   Yes, fair is fair I supose.  I heard they taste like chicken......  Wheres Muerte, he probably knows  *<:)


I dunno bout Muerte, but my mouth is sort of full of water... must be friday  <^>



This reminds me of when my English class had to do a paper on lord of the flies, and I told the class that if I had to share an island with them, if they didn't pull their weight in camp I'd eat them. Kill them while they were asleep, and turn them into hamburger.  :-P

Although in the doomsday scenario, it kinda depends what happens. Nukes...ick. Zombies...pretty cool. Finally get to play G.T.A in real life.
"What the hell was that?"

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