
Homo homini monstrum - Victor Hugo, (The Hunchback of Notre-Dame)

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Started by prezhorusin04, December 24, 2007, 07:19:19 PM

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I'm working with these guys now as a distributor and semi-contributor. Please check the site out for some of the best political satire and infotainment this side of the border!

New issue, #122, is hot off the presses, and all issues (most of the content) is made available online for FREE.

If anybody is interested in getting issues #121 and #122 off of me for $3 bucks, please send me a message, or transfer the donation to through PAYPAL, and I'll get them right out to you.



It is a very good publication,  here is a chosen excerpt (part of War on article on front page) :

The War on Drugs

Mencken once wrote that George Washington would never be elected now because he loved whiskey and made his own, enjoyed a good dirty joke, and knew more swear words than scripture. He was writing from the depths of Prohibition, but the spirit of those remarks is truer now than ever. America is a tippler that pretends to be a teetotaler—the world's largest consumer of porn and loudest extoller of its own moral virtue; the world's greatest user of drugs and harshest prosecutor of that use. Even more than the War on Terror, it's the Drug War that shepherded the militarization of our police, the surveillance of our society, and the creation of the world's largest internal prison population. The fact that we put people in jail for possessing marijuana is one of the great jurisprudential jokes of all time. The iniquity in sentencing for crack and powder cocaine offenses, a 15-year-plus surcharge for getting high while black, is outdone as an injustice only by the fact that any of those sentences exist at all. It is sometimes argued by those moderates who advocate for more "humane" drug laws but who nevertheless believe that it would be irresponsible to enact broad legalization, that legalizing would lead to more addicts. It would. But better to have more addicts than more prisoners, and the black-market derangements of the drug trade cannot be rectified by half-hearted efforts to decriminalize only those drugs deemed morally acceptable. Each man's body is his temple, and if he wants to s**t on the altar and spray-paint the walls, he can. A nation of pot-smokers doesn't kill grandmothers in no-knock midnight raids at the wrong street address, nor does it spend billions a year arming South American brownshirts and spraying the only crops that their rural poor can produce that hasn't already been rendered unprofitable and unsustainable by American and European agribusiness and subsidies.
The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist." - Charles Baudelaire (French and monstrous poet).


Glad you enjoyed it Loki.  8-)

Issue #123 came out a couple weeks ago. Most of each issue (aside from a couple of articles, jokes and comic strips) are available for free each month on their website. Or you can order single copies for $2 bucks through their site, or $3 bucks from me, if you want to donate a dollar to help my website, , stay online.

New Interview!

=W/ The Buffalo Beast:=
Humorous and thought provoking discussion with Andrew Blake from 'The Beast', concerning world politics, the cult of celebrity, and election 2008.


Issue #124 was just released, but hasn't been updated to the website yet...

A Tribute to Women's History. I must warn, this is probably the most offensive issue to date. :evil:

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