
I beheld the wretch - the miserable monster whom I had created. - Mary Shelley, Frankenstein (1818)

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2012- Metaphysical predictions

Started by Nina, January 14, 2009, 10:49:52 PM

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I'm going to the mountians, they are calling me since i saw them few years back. So i'll be in the mountians when supposed end of the world comes around...just as long as yellowstone doesn't decide to blow its roof. I'll be okay.  :-D
There is another world inside of me that you may never see and part of me is fighting this....yet part of me is gone.


Well if the whole polar shift thing is the culprit mountains would be the most dangerous place to be.

The same force that pushed them together will pull them apart if polarity was to shift right?

As for the whole solar flare thing yeah your better off in a mountain but i try to calculate variables in survival cause you only have one "prepared" chance to save yourself.
What is time but you in motion? What is motion without the time to use it?


Since when does the earth's magnetism affect the plate tectonics? Their movement is affected by the Earth's core and the heat it produces; they move with the heat that's dissipated from the lower layers of the Earth. Unless the Earth's core stops functioning and goes cold, they won't change. Maybe the pattern they move along would vary (I don't know, we'd need someone who knows more about this...) but they would still stay there. And even if the mountains started shrinking... It won't happen Hollywood-style with the ground opening up beneath your feet and the mountains disappearing over a minute or two. It took thousands, no, millions of years for them to get there; it'll take as long for them to go back down.
Seek not beauty in battle. Seek not beauty in death. Consider not your own life. If you wish to protect that which must be protected, then strike when your opponent's back is turned.


Quote from: Amaya on March 27, 2009, 05:29:27 AM
Ah, my chemistry class has followed me home....sorta. We just began our chapter that includes monoatomic ions.

An interesting thing to be mentioned is that monoatomic gold is a neurotoxin that causes peripheral neuropathy. In simpler terms, it destroys the nervous system. Not nice stuff. :-(

That's all I could find when I researched it.

Is this a case of a scalpel in the hands of a surgeon as opposed to a buzz saw in the hands of an idiot?
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


Quote from: KubeSix on March 01, 2010, 01:34:33 PM
Since when does the earth's magnetism affect the plate tectonics? Their movement is affected by the Earth's core and the heat it produces; they move with the heat that's dissipated from the lower layers of the Earth. Unless the Earth's core stops functioning and goes cold, they won't change. Maybe the pattern they move along would vary (I don't know, we'd need someone who knows more about this...) but they would still stay there. And even if the mountains started shrinking... It won't happen Hollywood-style with the ground opening up beneath your feet and the mountains disappearing over a minute or two. It took thousands, no, millions of years for them to get there; it'll take as long for them to go back down.

  Thank you Kube for saving me the ti,e of a lengthy reply.  You see Anchi, I too figure in variables, and the complete destruction of a mountain range in the center of the United States will be near if not improbable.  An Earth shake I can expect, but as long as you keep your head a little shake is no problem at all.  And if a Polar Shift does occur than I will simple have access to all the new Beach front property (In case of Apocalyptic floods it is best to live very high up).  Yellow Stone?  Oh I am not so worried.  You see Yellow Stone is in the North West portion of the State and I live in the South East portion of the State.

  Please Note the Expansive Mountain Range between, as for the Ash cloud, well I have a few plans on that too, but I will not be sharing everything about my survival plans, as they say, Survival of the fittest.
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


Thats cool. I was just confused because i read somewhere that under the north pole's crust the molten lava had south pole magnetism attracting it and vice versa, holding the earth together allowing the lava to spin and the crust to slowly turn with it at a different speed. (thats based off hear say BTW i don't claim to be right its just interesting)

If that were true the sun's new south magnetic solar flares would in fact have dramatic "hollywood" effects on earth.
The crust would be flipping to align with the core. The core in turn starting to flip and eventually meet in the middle.

Making Antarctica around where the equator is. Which explains why ancient maps of it having no ice on the continent.

But, wth do i know lol it was just what i read somewhere and decided to gab about it.

If something of this proportion was to happen there is no amount of planning that could "fully" prepare you for something like that anyway.

Kube mentioned it on another post and i agree with the whole tun and baka tun thing it was their way of counting.

Because 2012 is just the end of a calender. It could have just represented how long it took the sun to go around the center of our universe. YAY our sun is 5 years old (as far as we know). I believe the Mayans were astronomically smart enough to calculate "the great cycle" being our sun's orbit. We call a New year a "New year" "Ending" a year. If people only lived to be days or months old this would scare them. What is this "End" they speak of?

As for people who say but mayans said something bad would happen at the end of the Great Cycle. Ummmm..... the calender they had wasn't even accurate based on the roman calender but they were smart enough to know this. The five extra days that was unaccounted for in their calender was known in their society as the five "unlucky" days where bad events happened. (and they just tacked those days on at the end without any relevancy) Did bad things in fact happen? Nooooo. Unless you consider War bad. Although its like hey everybody its supposed to be five bad days lets go piss other tribes off lmao.

How many mayans believed in the five unlucky days all of them. how many mayans lived 5 thousand something years to testify that their calender always ended with bad events? (not only for 2012 but past great cycles ending) none of them.

:-D although i firmly believe something will happen. even if it is other people freaking out from paranoia and committing suicide.
What is time but you in motion? What is motion without the time to use it?


I am actually expecting alot, not so many people are talking about this stuff. I like the part that says that our world will be fully imersed in the photon belt in 3 days( starting Dec. 21 going to 23 2012). I wonder how will this upcoming event affect me and what I can do. :-D

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