
Ignorance breeds monsters to fill up the vacancies of the soul that are unoccupied by the verities of knowledge. - Horace Mann

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And a third of the waters will turn red

Started by matthew321, May 13, 2010, 09:05:47 PM

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Well we need a new topic here so I have one for everyone. I have been wondering this the past few weeks and I believe I am on too something and that I do not need to see the men in white coats.

In the book of revelation in the bible there is a passage that says a third of the waters of the earth will turn the color of blood as a sign of the cataclysm. The water will be undrinkable and the fish will die with it.

Well if you notice there are oil spills going on and they turn the water red. The water is blood red and is indeed not drinkable. Oil is going to harm fish and I am starting to believe it fits the description.

What does anyone else think?
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.


Good topic.  Thought so too.  It's one of the seven seals . What I was wondering about is where are the four horsemen at?
They supposed to come first.  Did we miss them ?
Knowledge is power.


maybe they already passed by

Seven seals in summary:
First Seal - Religious Conquest, White horse < got that one (crusades and now from the taliban and such)
Second Seal - Conflict & War, Red Horse < this one has been going on for ages
Third Seal - Famine & Drought, Black Horse < check, this is very common in our world today
Fourth Seal - Death, green or Pale Horse < don't get it, but I guess it's happening
Fifth Seal - Vision of martyrdom or martyrs < pretty sure that this is happening too, think of osama bin laden and such figures
Sixth Seal - Cosmic Disturbances or Heavenly Signs and the marking of the 144,000 < I'm sure this is happening too
Seventh Seal - Prelude To The 7 Trumpets of 7 Angels & The Final Judgement < this one hasn't happened yet

about the 7th: It also states that there will be "seven trumpets" announcing aspects of the "End Times": mankind being judged, seas turning to blood, sores on people's bodies, plagues, infertility, and the introduction of "seven bowls" (in King James Version called "vials"). These bowls are a third each of the sea, humankind, water, animal life, ships, crops, and earth, all engulfed by an infinite abyss.
so if what matthew says is true and the seas are turning red because of the oil than it is happening.
Fight for those you've lost and fight for those you don't want to lose! -LeXtruX-
"Yes, I made my avatar... Yes I made everything myself, and No I did not use any existing pictures" ^_^


I must take this time to point out something for all followers of the bible that are reading this topic. This is important so listen up.
The antichrist is only mentioned four times in the bible and none of those times refer to him as someone who is what we think of today.
The bible is translated and paraphrased from original hebrew text (actually hebrew to greek to english) and the subtle differences mean a lot.
Jesus is a translated name.
There are books that did not make it into the bible but are still important.

These are basic things I would like people to know if they are unaware. Because if you don't understand these things then I am going to get real offensive, real quick.

Now why does this pertain to the topic? Well I mention these for better understanding, especially the paraphrasing. It can change what an entire verse means. I say this to bring the point of where the bible says the waters will turn red as blood in revelation. Well paraphrasing that will change alot about it. Are the waters red as blood, are the waters actually blood, is there some other meaning? This is important throughout the bible to be considered.
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.


You have a point there. I am a translator myself and some times you can only translate the meaning. The literal translation would not make any sense. Also you have to take into account the culture and time it was written in.
If you do not take the biblical side then blood means red which means alarm?
The books which are not included in to the cannon are actual really interesting.
Knowledge is power.


Well if you have been reading the news recently you will have picked up about the worst environmental disaster in Hungary's history.

Vast amounts of red sludge have escapes from a manufacturing plant and have now reached main rivers such as 'the Danube'.

Already ALL the fish in one river are dead. The rivers are running red.

It has eaten people to the bone where it has contacted naked skin.

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