
I beheld the wretch - the miserable monster whom I had created. - Mary Shelley, Frankenstein (1818)

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Writters Block... Help!

Started by angelichellfire, February 27, 2008, 07:16:49 PM

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Okay i am writting this horror story and i am stuck at this part and i can't continue.  I need help!  I'll give you part of the story up to where i am stuck at. 
        -"Emma where are you?" said the bone chilling voice of the man who wants me dead. 
'Try not making a sound.  You can do this.  You can get away from here...  No I can't who am I kidding I'll never be able to make it away.  He kill me before that will ever happen.' 
'Oh my god! Did that come from right behind me?!  I need to calm down, I need to stay put and not get caught.  I can do this.  I just can't make any noise, or he'll find me.' 
Emma is sitting in the middle of a thicket; trying not to move or make a sound.  There is a man out here too.  Following Emma has given him great pleasure and asmusment over the time being.  But like everyone knows, it all has to end.  He needs to move on and find his next target.  He might be cruel, evil, a saddist, but he has never lost before.  And if he looses now to the likes of this terrified little brat.  Well, then I guess Emma is going to have some new company for awhile...-
Ya thats the part i was telling you about.  And it sounds so off and out of context.  But no matter how many times i rewrite it i can't get it right or get any further also.  Let know of any ideas or suggestions. Thanks!
`to waste your time is not a problem, but to waste mine is so, so horrendious`


You're writing in two different 'voices' here. Try settling on just one, and that should fix the problem.


 I'm in the middle of writing a story and I've been working on it for maybe over a year now. I keep going back to it, tweaking this and that. Maybe you just need to put it on the back burner for a little while and let your subconscious work on it. Good Luck!!
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...

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