
The irreligious poet is a monster. - Robert Burns

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my really bad story.

Started by luminar, April 25, 2008, 08:31:19 AM

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here is a copy of a story i wrote. i realise it has no grammar no spacing or paragraphin and it is very amatuerly written but its still pretty cool. anyway here it is.

My girlfriends been kidnapped!!?
A short story by Shawn Atkinson.

Chapter one: one day gone wrong.
One day in a town called Johnstown a young man was riding through town on his bike when all of a sudden he received a phone call. This is Shawn what's going on? On the other end a voice responded, your not going to like this. Tell me what's going on. Shawn said. Ok but don't shoot the messenger... your girlfriends been kidnapped. WHAT my girlfriends been kidnapped! How do you know!? They left a note asking for one million dollars or else they will kill her. Those fiends! Where is she? They said to meet them at the old dump. I'll be right there. Oh and one more thing send back up.

Chapter two: the first blood.

He arrived at the gates to the old dump, there at the gates stood two gargoyle like statues almost as if they were guarding it. He rode his bike toward the gates when all of a sudden two arms blocked his path. None shall pass only those who we deem worthy shall gain entry. Alright what do I have to do? You must face us in a rock off! Crap! I don't have a guitar. Well I guess you'll have to come back later. And just as he was about to attack the gargoyles back up showed up. He ran toward our noble hero and gave him a pitch black guitar with sun golden trim. Back up you showed up just in time and weirdly with just what I needed. Well I could never leave a friend in need without help especially with such high stakes. Well gargoyles it seems I shall not be needing to return tomorrow for your doom begins now! What are the terms of the rock off? The gargoyles responded if we win you must take your sorry face back to Johnstown and also you will never be allowed to return. If you win you will gain entry through the gates and also your choice of either my guitar strap or my brother's guitar pick. The strap will ensure you never miss a note and never tire. The pick will allow you to produce such electrifying riffs all those who hear it will have no choice but to bow to the ground and cover their ears or suffer terrible blood loss through their ears. Think on this bargain young one your precious girl's life depends on it. He knew these gargoyles were not joking their skill emanated from their guitars as if years of rocking riffs have not left their acoustic faculties. But it was the only way to do the deed. I accept you challenge but be warned I will not show you any mercy! The gargoyles as per the rules began their playing first and as they played electricity flew through the air and burnt and charred the earth around. Their rock was almost incomprehensible to this mere mortal. Yet he knew if he failed his girlfriend would surely die and so he resolved to destroy the gargoyles and started to plan his musical onslaught.

Chapter 3: the doom of the gargoyles. the gargoyles ended their soul wrenching guitar solos and then looked upon their foe and said "top that mortal!" and then Shawn for a moment felt pure fear he was trembling and then he reached deep inside and grasped for all the strength that remained. Finally he gathered himself and prepared for the onslaught. One note rang out and as the gargoyles heard it their faces twisted in pain though they tried to hide it. He continued with a succession of notes with blinding speed each note visibly harming the gargoyles. He then launched into a fret burning solo and his guitar caught fire but it did not burn. The earth around him was shaking, nay trembling! And behind him appeared angels of metal singing in a holy choir of metallness. He then ascended into the air spinning and glowing with holy light, and with one final apocalyptic note the gargoyles were defeated. They knelt before this god among men and allowed him to choose his reward. "I choose the guitar strap of doom." The gargoyle relinquished his prized possession and then silently allowed our hero to continue.

Chapter 4: the amp of destruction. He walked into the old dump and smelt the smell of fire and damnation; he knew this would be dangerous. And suddenly appeared a gigantic werewolf appeared He was wearing a black robe and carried a guitar. He through his arms into the air and summoned an amp. He then said "I am here to help you mortal for the girl you wish to save is to one day change the world. And so I must give you this amp however I shall not do so without a test for no mortal has ever wielded such power. You must defeat me in a rock off." "What will the amp do for me?" asked Shawn "it will produce amazing pyrotechnics and special effects as you play, it is the key to defeating your final enemy." "Alright I will accept and pass your test and then destroy the fiends who kidnapped my girlfriend." Said shawn. "Let the rock off begin!" then the werewolf began to shred like no mortal has ever been witness to. His guitar notes streaming off in such a speed Shawn's mortal ears could almost not comprehend them and had this series of notes continued it surely would have driven him insane for his mortal mind was not meant to hear such rock. And then as Shawn was on the brink of insanity the werewolf then began a slow yet equally deadly riff recalling mortal masters of guitar such as Kirk hammet and jimmi Hendrix. Shawn then knew that the rock had been passed to these masters from the likes of his wolfen opponent. Finally the werewolf finished his song and it was clear that it would not be possible for Shawn to beat this legendary titan of rock, yet he had to try.

Chapter 5: wolfen doom.

Shawn feared greatly he would fail and not be able to save his beloved girlfriend, but his resolve was only hardened by this fear. And so Shawn began to play. He started out slow with an almost silent series of notes and slowly built up in speed and volume. It seemed as if Shawn had grown more than the ten fingers he was born with for even the werewolf had trouble visualizing his hand movements. And then Shawn burst into a soul thrashing solo truly worthy of the ears of the legendary titan he faced in battle. The werewolf was in fact truly surprised at his skill and was reminded of the legend of the original god of rock who died because he brought rock to the humans. The rest of the gods felt betrayed by this action and so they killed him. But as he died he promised his would come and rock the universe like none before have ever comprehended. Finally with the finishing note Shawn's guitar burst with energy, so much energy it actually frightened the werewolf for a very brief moment. Shawn fearing he had failed looked to the ground in disgust with himself. And then the werewolf bowed before him and said "you truly are the son of the legendary god of rock I return to you the amp of destruction. Shawn then told the werewolf "do not kneel before me I am your equal." The werewolf stood and said "you are truly humble for your rock is much greater than mine." I shall accompany you so you might teach me your rocking techniques.

Chapter 6: the final battle.

Shawn walked with his friends Back Up and the werewolf toward his final destination. As he approached his enemy showed his face. He was a mighty demon standing nine feet tall and weighing around 675 pounds. He faced our hero Shawn shining like a shiny demon and said "so you came I thought you would be to cowardly to face me." Shawn responded with utter confidence "demon I shall not pay your ransom I shall destroy you in a rock off!" the demon laughed at this statement. "You a mortal defeat me even if you could you would have to defeat my minions first." "and so I shall defeat them, and then you!" Shawn switched on the amp of destruction and hooked his guitar into it. The mighty demon felt a pulse of energy and a slight feeling of fear passed through him but he quickly dismissed it. The demon summoned his minions and ordered them to destroy Shawn. They immediately began playing their heart blackening riffs which caused a sharp pain to enter Shawn's heart, but he worked through it and began to rip at the strings on his guitar. The demons recoiled at the combined power of his rocking riffs and the amp of destruction but quickly recovered. They countered with an unholy harmony. And Shawn's soul was almost destroyed but at that moment. The werewolf began playing along with Shawn, and Back Up pounded on his bass. The combined power of the three was too much for them and the demons screamed in pain and agony and then vanished in a puff of red smoke. The demon realizing he was powerless against this mighty force of rock grabbed Shawn's girlfriend and threatened to destroy her. Shawn and the others did not know what to do, they dared not play any more for fear of destroying her also. But then the girl began singing in an angelic voice that pierced the ears of the demon and he let his grip of her go. She then ran to her boyfriend and they all joined together in one final death dealing song and annihilated the demon. Shawn then embraced his girlfriend and said "ariel I missed you. I thought you were going to die!" she responded. "im not completely useless you know!" "you need not remind me of that you defeated the demon!" "no we... the mighty band of demon slaughterers defeated him!" and that was the beginning of the worlds most awesome band they rocked this universe like none have ever comprehended before. And the world was changed.

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