
Tell us, pray, what devil
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Sword of Truth Series

Started by Alayla, March 30, 2009, 06:16:03 PM

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The Sword of Truth Series by Terry Goodkind has got to be my most favorite series of all times - I love the books! I greatly encourage you guys to check them out. They are amazing, and they don't water-down anything. It's a great allegory, and you can really see the meaning and truth behind the books.

Check this out for the authour's official site

I think you will definitely enjoy this series - if you have any questions or comments about it, feel free to post.
"We're all one race - human" ...Really?

rave phillaphia


I wrote a book review for the school newspaper about it... let me go find it...
"We're all one race - human" ...Really?


Here it is:

The Sword of Truth series, though not very well-known, has made a significant impact on those who have read it. The fiction genre novels have good story lines and are called "flawless" many times by multiples readers who have written reviews on In fact, the first boxed set averaged at an amazing four and a half stars. Thirty seven out of forty-nine readers (79.6%) gave it five stars.
Terry Goodkind's first novel, Wizard's First Rule, immediately established him as one of the world's bestselling authors. Each subsequent book in the Sword of Truth series sold better than the previous, and about twenty million copies of the books in the series have now been sold. The series has been translated into 20 different languages, and a weekly television show retitled "The Legend of the Seeker" has been aired which will consist of 22 shows.
At the beginning of Wizard's First Rule, Richard Cypher searches in the woods for a strange vine, the only clue as to how his father was murdered. As the day continues, Richard spots a young woman in a white dress traveling at a measured pace. When he looks closer, he notices four men following her. He decides to confront the young woman and tell her what is happening. She identifies herself as Kahlan and appears frightened when he mentions four men. When she asks Richard if he will help her, he agrees, and they continue down a stray path on the side of a cliff.
Just when Richard and Kahlan think they are safe, the men jump out from nowhere and surround them. Kahlan gives Richard specific instructions not to touch her while fighting only after giving him the chance to leave.
Richard barely disarms one and pushes him off the cliff before he feels a sudden impact, what is described as "thunder without sound." From the other side of Kahlan, a man comes running into the last – pushing him off the cliff, as well as flinging himself off.
Breathless, Richard asks what just happened. "I think the good spirits helped us," Kahlan replies timidly.
Richard doesn't believe for a second that what she says is truth. Instead, he says, "You don't have to tell, me. Friends don't have to tell friends everything, and they shouldn't prod at each other's secrets."
Kahlan, relieved and overjoyed to have someone to call "friend," continues and leaves Richard wondering what secrets she holds.
Richard lives in Westland, a land to the far west with a mild climate and thickly wooded terrain. He makes his living as a woods' guide and knows the woods better than he knows himself. He leads a fairly normal life until Kahlan steps in and entwines him with danger, strange cultures, difficult decisions, misleading appearances, and magic, a thing that never existed in Westland.
The author, Terry Goodkind, is an objectivist as he has been largely influenced by Ayn Rand's works, and strongly supports her ideas. His views become apparent in some of his later books. He stresses that he is not writing fantasy; but rather he is writing about important human themes.
The awards the series has been nominated for or won were all fantasy-related, and since the books contain all the standard fantasy elements, they have been marketed as a fantasy series. Goodkind, however, perceives himself as more of a novelist than a fantasy author.

"We're all one race - human" ...Really?

rave phillaphia

hmm sounds interesting. maybe i will pick a copy up in the summer and read it then  :-D


lol, I know how it is - I have at least a million books on my waiting list to read - the great thing (which also turns out to be bad if you have a long waiting list) about this book is the multitude of books in the series, and unlike many series, this one gets better and better as it goes on - it doesn't lose it's original luster.

The TV show, however, was horrible - like Hollywood and all those big movie companies always do, they totally screwed up the book. They used the same characters, yes (though mutated a bit); but the plot was only very loosely related to the original and made no sense when taken in context to the book.
"We're all one race - human" ...Really?


Quote from: Alayla on April 01, 2009, 10:32:23 AM
I wrote a book review for the school newspaper about it... let me go find it...

What school? I'm on the staff at ware county high.
Insanity is a fun state of mind. I can amuse myself and have my friends wanting to get me a straight jacket and a padded room.


I'd rather not give out a bunch of information about my location, etc. (No offense) but it's a fairly small school in Tennessee.
"We're all one race - human" ...Really?


I love The Sword of Truth series!! Boss you just ranked up from random person to potential badass!


  Who is everyone's favorite char in this series?  I am partial to the Mud people, Chandalan to be precise.  Of course the Mord Sith are awesome too, God I would love to come under one of their control  <^> .
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


Yes! I'm getting some biters! Ulfric and Muerte, you guys are awesome for reading my favorite series of all time. I like the Mord Sith too - they are badass. I like the people in the Old World for their ignorance though... Hmmm and some of the sisters of the dark are cool...
"We're all one race - human" ...Really?

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