Monstrous People > Mutants, clones and cyborgs

Is Cloning Right

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--- Quote from: Fraidy-cat on October 10, 2005, 02:02:46 PM ---colning can help alot, but i belive that as long as u dont clone up somethin evil (like hitler or a nazi army)

--- End quote ---

That's part of the problem right there: people getting the wrong impression about what cloning can or can't do. A lot of people seem to think it's like Scifi movies where exact duplicates of other people can be made, and that's not the case.

Sure, given a viable DNA sample, you could clone Hitler. However, that would be a completely new (although genetically identical) Hitler, not the one that attempted world domination or started the Holocaust. In fact, that Hitler clone could grow up to be a visionary leader, or even the artist that the original Hitler wanted to be.

I've found that the main argument against cloning from outside the scientific community appears to be rooted in the argument over the concept of the soul. It's there that words like "evil" and "wrong" begin to creep into the picture.

I'm more concernd with the possible socialogical  ramifications of it. Like should we actually clone people for their organs? Clones are people too. Why create more people when you can just clone the ones we have... you know all the possible sci-fi stuff that is just close enough to reality to actually be a viable future.

There is that, though it may be a possiblity to grow a body with an undeveloped brain, in which case it would be human in fact, but certainly not in spirit. There are ethical concerns with scientific research, yes, but just because there are concerns does not mean that the research should be stopped entirely.

Its never been the uses of the research that we need to worry about but the people who control that research. People have been known to do heinous things in the name of research. Consider the possible virus that couldl be made once genetics is fully understood, probably wil be made. biowar being what it is.

But I refuse to support any idea or study that treats people as things.

Which then begs the question: What makes a person a person? Is a clone grown with an immature brain a person? Is an embryo a person?

"Person" is such a vague term... What constitutes a human being would likely be the better question.


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