
What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark. It would be like sleep without dreams. - Werner Herzog

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What have you been in a dream?

Started by phyrrestar, February 15, 2007, 02:06:38 PM

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Although not everyone is a therian or otherkin, many people I've known at some point in their lives have experienced a shift into an animal or other being during a dream.  I thought it would be interesting to hear some of your experiences of shifting in your dreams and this seems like a fine place to share.  It also may prove some insight into the more fantastical/animalistic parts of human nature and into otherkin/therians in general.

To kick things off, I'll share one of my few experiences with this.  A few years back I had a dream where I was a rather huge (western) dragon flying over some tennis courts, oddly enough.  I still remember the feeling of my wings scraping against the concrete with each flap...vaguely scratchy, but otherwise not painful.  Amazingly, I was rather agile in flight, at the last minute before hitting a wall I twisted a little and swept straight up against the building with a powerful flap of my wings.  Flying was natural, despite the strangeness of having both wings and arms and felt simply amazing.  Unfortunately, I woke up as I reached my destination and swooped by a crowd of people to snatch up a friend.  Quite an amazing experience that makes me a little envious of all those draconic otherkin out there.  The nice part is that since I've felt it once (if only in a dream) I can daydream similar feelings as much as I like.

I have a few more stories, but I'd like to hear all of yours first.  So what have you been in a dream?

Mr. Maggot

I was a hawk once, soaring over a green field teeming with large packs  of wolves. Try to make sense of that bizzare dream, because I certainly couldn't.
''Every revolution begins with the power of an idea and ends when the only idea left is clinging on to power''.




When I was thirteen I had the most vivid dream of turning into a wolf. I remeber running in the woods by my house, and everything wizzing by me so fast. My scences were so hightened, it was the greatest feeling imaginable. I rember hunting a rabbit, and barking and howling. Now the weird thing is that when i awoke and walked into to my living room, my mom told me she didn't get a wink of sleep because there was a wolf howling all night. <^> I have had other dreams like that but that was the most vivid.
Hurry to meet death before your place is taken.


Some interesting things there...has anyone here purposefully or unintentionally "shifted" in a dream between human and any other creature or thing?  I don't mean lucid dreaming, necessarily, as much as shifting in a meditative state and then drifting a little too far into somethin more akin to sleep?  I'm curious because I've done that a few times, yet I've never actually dreamed naturally about being any animal other than that dragon way back when.  Of course, I don't remember most of my dreams, either...


I'm not sure what my dream was, though I might very well have actually full shifted.     
Hurry to meet death before your place is taken.


Oh, just to clarify, by "shifting" I don't mean physically as much as mentally or feeling fur, wings, tail, etc. but not actually growing them.


In my dreams where it has happened...I just start off that way, like that's my true self.


Was once a half angel, half demon form.

it happened after i had a ironic fight with Satan. As Lucifer walked down some stairs clapping when i had slain him.

Wonder if it even exists.. Half Demon / Half Angel, part human.

Bloody Angel

Quote from: Haraldur on March 24, 2007, 02:57:34 AM
Was once a half angel, half demon form.
it happened after i had a ironic fight with Satan. As Lucifer walked down some stairs clapping when i had slain him.
Wonder if it even exists.. Half Demon / Half Angel, part human.

It would make a whole being (half + half) plus a "part".
Don't think it exists. If it does, that's the place for the monstrous being


my dreams are unique i guess because i almost never dream outside of my body. i mostly dream in 1st person. so ive never been able to tell wether or not i look different however when i get into a fight i usually am somewhat superhuman. also i usually have alot of dreams where im being shot at and usually hit but it doesnt seem to affect me, a variant is that i just get hurt really bad and keep going. in my dreams im like a superhero im jumping off cliffs and sliding down hills and flying. if anyone want's to give their interpretation of anything ive said id like to hear it.

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