
I'm not afraid of werewolves or vampires or haunted hotels, I'm afraid of what real human beings do to other real human beings. - Walter Jon Williams

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Unusual animal experiences

Started by phyrrestar, March 03, 2007, 01:25:40 PM

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rave phillaphia

your rabbit must have been really mad at you. its not unusual though i have seen rabbits growl. I think its funny when they cluck like a chicken.  :-D


yay!!!!!!!!!!!! I;M NOT  CRAZY!!!!!!!!!1 :crazy:
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


I used to have one that clucked constantly... Almost like it was purring. It was cute.
Un giocatore infelice รจ un amante felice!


from life i've learned sometimes squirrels bark.
spiders like to be on my head.
cats absolutely loathe me.
and i've never met a dog i didn't like a guinea pig i couldnt talk to or a parakeet that doesnt bite.
the wind that chills the night, the fire's golden light
the oceans call to you, the earthen fated tune,
I am the ivy binding tight i hold the spells all through the night, i am
nightshade's fated swoon of deaths kiss and witches broom


Not many animals where i live, its a barren sort off.

But i have encountered some reindeer whom have taken interest in me and i could be around them in their herd.
Which is weird since my kind of therian isn't really the kind who would just "chill" around deer ...

But apart from all that, its either animals are completely scared s**tless when im around or... they love me. Theres no middle ground when it comes to me and animals it seems...
Though i have been able to pet a guard dog, which i have never seen before. The trainer which was standing in the window from where he viewed me petting the guard dog doberman dropped his ... i dont know, book or something and also his jaw.. then he came out kinda calm and asked how i did that.

Haha, i was lost for words. i didn't even know he was a guard dog.

Oh well. Thats pretty much it i guess. I've had many more experiences with dogs whom are told to be "vicious" but then they turn into soft cuddly puppies when i talk to them. Kinda funny.

Don't seek faith, let faith seek you.


I don't consider myself a therian but I have a number of unusual experiences with animals,  earning me the name Dr. Dolittle. The most vivid was with my first horse. my trainer & I got him & rehabbed him from having been horribly abused. The last time I rode him we took a jump & he fell on the other side. At that moment I heard a voice in my head say "This is it, I can't handle much more, my time is almost up" 3 months later he was put to sleep. Wild animals are never afraid of me. I can handle the most unruly serpents. I have one snake that was totally wild when i bought him, to the point that the store tried to convince me not to buy him. But something inside me said that he needed to be with me. The only other person who can handle him is my beau & that took almost 3 years. When I walk into my reptile room, every one of them comes out to meet me. I can go into a pet store & all of their snakes will come out to me. I recently put one of my rats to sleep & the night before I was crying & the rat actually licked the tears from my face. When I returned from the vet her mate did the same thing.


My sis once owned a cat that barked like a dog. A cat. That barked. Like a dog. I am sooo not joshin yah. O,O

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