
I beheld the wretch - the miserable monster whom I had created. - Mary Shelley, Frankenstein (1818)

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"Guards" Were-spirits or something else?

Started by CelticSeeker, March 12, 2008, 05:48:48 PM

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I have something to share, and it is something that has never been mentioned before. I call them "Guards". They aren't spirit guardians, nor are they spirit guards. These are creatures that somehow by some unknown variable that I wouldn't call fate, but something close to it, present themsevles to humans, and in my case of peculiar happenings offer to make a contract with a family or a person to be a..."Guard".  These Guards use there services in exchange for a longer life by attaching themselves to a family.
My family has on attached and currently I am his contract.
To you who read this, have you a similair experince?
Monsters we are lest monsters we become.

Novus Lupus

I don't know much about it myself but I have a friend that has some experience with this.  He has recently opened an account that is still being validated.  You might message him when he shows up.  His name is Ursaberserker.

"If it looks like a human, walks like a human, talks like a human... well, one out of three ain't bad."


Quote from: Novus Lupus on March 12, 2008, 05:54:47 PM
I don't know much about it myself but I have a friend that has some experience with this.  He has recently opened an account that is still being validated.  You might message him when he shows up.  His name is Ursaberserker.

Thank you.
Monsters we are lest monsters we become.

Novus Lupus

He has an account now so you can message him if you want.  His name is actually Ursa_berserker.  I forgot the underscore.
"If it looks like a human, walks like a human, talks like a human... well, one out of three ain't bad."


Well.....honestly I havent heard of many cases like these. Not in modern times. But I will think on it and get back to you with some suggestions. But be careful, as a contract what happens to either of you will affect you both.

"All of us are God's creatures... just some are more creature than others."


"Even a dead fish can go with the flow" not to mention an UNdead one, but that's not the point... >!>;;
I am a Were-Raccoon/Dragon, that makes me feel sexy.


Monsters we are lest monsters we become.


Well, to leave it at a simplistic and easly understood way.......a "Guard", "Guardian", or "Spirit beast" is basically a Totem spirit. Totems are much more than the totem pole animals. Totems choose us, we dont choose them. You will know your totem by studying various animals until you find that you have an "affection" towards that kind of animal. Like mine The Bear, I started extensive study on different animals, lacking only the chance to study them in the natural world. But, over time I found that I had certain qualities, habits, etc like the Bear. Anywho, there is another thing though, the Guard doesnt have to be a totem. It could just be the soul of a human walking as an animal {NOT REINCARNATION!!} but just, someone who wanted to help others so bad that they took over the body of an animal and when that animal died, only the spirit form was left. Or, there is an animal spirit who wants to be your totem or is telling you outright that they are your Totem. And dont worry, if your totem is like a Hummingbird, dont worry......sometimes the smaller and "wussy" the Totem, the stronger the spirit.
"All of us are God's creatures... just some are more creature than others."


Sounds like Ursa nailed it. They are totems. You will notice them whenever they have something to tell you. I have found that while some may stay for life many are simply there for the messege. There is a very good book called "Animal Speak" which explains the meaning behind many creatures from insects to vertebrates.

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