
Whoever battles with monsters had better see that it does not turn him into a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche

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Finding out what type of therian you are

Started by defron, October 04, 2008, 09:07:45 AM

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Aidan Blackfeather

ok, so i know I'm Therian, but I want to know which animal i am. how can i learn?
I don't want to live;
I want to love first, and live incidentally.


Look yourself in the mirror and see you're only human. Will that do?
There is I in every person,
Only long asleep...


out of curiousity what would i be considered i growl like a dog when i'm hurt or in pain or in anger there have been times walking home late at night during a full moon ive wanted to run on all fours. (prolly answered my own question) but im curious cause dogs hate me naturally they bark at me an wanna literally kill me the only ones that dont bark at me are my own two dogs an they are submissive to me an actually listen to me. but every time a full moon is out i can stare at it for hours my heart beats slow an steady an i feel lost in its glow sexually i'm rough an agressive...i love the biting scratching the blood....its intoxicating...i'm still trying to find out what i am an what my purpose is....


hOW DO YOU CHANGE YOURE POSITION, i wanna make it therain not were.
Power speed sneakiness smell hearing, my traits,the traits of a tiger.


I have always thought of myself as a wolf but not really your typical one. I don't see myself as human at all really. My DNA is different in the three ways it could be personality DNA physical DNA and intelligence and brain function. The doctors kept saying they were mutations. The university near me paid me to come in and get tests done. So does that make me a were because you are saying they aren't human and I am not, my mutations arnt hinderences I am stronger than normal I have an iq of 183 and I am capable of things most people aren't so am I a therian or a were. 

Bane Bloodfang

Gah, were, therian... its same damn thing people. Werewolf is just a typical cliche title for a wolf therian.

Jok if you're as smart as you say you are you'd know that >_> not to mention the whole DNA thing? You're human, you're just a lil more unique if anything. Please people, being wolf therian, cat therian or just therian in general does not make anyone NOT HUMAN. There is no evidence to support the moon- full or not having an affect on wolves or therians alike. And finally Dredy, its normal to: growl when angry, like kinky sex and not be liked by dogs. This does not make you therian. Therian is something you just -know- or spend months, years researching into, meditating on. You cannot judge and decide you're therian from what you've listed. If you have to ask whether you are therian then you probably are not or do not know what the definition of therian is, of which I suggest you research it.

Sorry to seem snappy but its these threads that make the therian community a damn joke to those who are not therian/do not understand what it is. Please people, ground yourselves and be realistic :/

Times like these I miss Artic ;_;
~I may be drunk... but I can still beat you in a fight!~


Quote from: Jokdcda on July 14, 2012, 09:24:38 AM
I have always thought of myself as a wolf but not really your typical one. I don't see myself as human at all really. My DNA is different in the three ways it could be personality DNA physical DNA and intelligence and brain function. The doctors kept saying they were mutations. The university near me paid me to come in and get tests done. So does that make me a were because you are saying they aren't human and I am not, my mutations arnt hinderences I am stronger than normal I have an iq of 183 and I am capable of things most people aren't so am I a therian or a were.

Were you, by any chance, bitten by a radioactive wolf as a child?  :?

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