
People hear that I am a horror writer and they think that I must be a monster, but actually I have the heart of a small child - I keep it in a jar on my desk. - Robert Bloch

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therian aggression

Started by Vince_03, January 12, 2009, 03:04:48 AM

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Quote from: blow_fly on January 26, 2009, 03:46:45 AM
Panthera Leo, would it be possible for you to explain to me the nature of the changes that overtook you as you embraced your ''Lion spirit''? Thanks.

Sure, My vision goes cloudy and blurred and I see a huge, gray misty Lion, as soon as I touch the Lion in my mind my vision returns only it is much better, my other senses also become more attuned and I feel an aching pain deep in my gum's as my canines become slightly more pronounced. My nail beds also tighten and my nails grow longer, and my eyes also become pure white with a tiny pupil.
~~An army of asses led by a lion is better than an army of lions led by an ass~~


Quote from: blow_fly on January 26, 2009, 05:13:42 AM
QuoteI'd say it's because another infers so but of course coming to the conclusion that you're something other than human would take a bit of self-knowledge

So the realisation that someone may be a therian is simply a somewhat informed suggestion offered by someone else? And it's equally plausible that there might be something else which may account for the changes currently befalling them? Thanks.

No. It takes a lot more than just a suggestion, This is about heaped evidence, maybe from a variety of sources and only after you've looked at the other options. That's why I said self-knowledge, if someone tells you that you may be therian because of this, this, this, this and this then you're going to have to go off and find out a lot more about your physical state and get to know yourself a lot more before you can believe him, especially looking at those areas of yourself that he used as evidence.

Which is why I don't think people should ridicule or blatantly disregard new therians, instead they should educate them on the other things they could be suffering from so they can check those options out as well.

I apoligise if you didn't understand my first post....
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"


Ahh. That makes sense. Thanks for clarifying the subject for me, Bo.
''Come on, I want you to do it, I want you to do it. Come on, hit me. *Hit me!''

-The Joker to Batman, The Dark Knight


QuoteSure, My vision goes cloudy and blurred and I see a huge, gray misty Lion, as soon as I touch the Lion in my mind my vision returns only it is much better, my other senses also become more attuned and I feel an aching pain deep in my gum's as my canines become slightly more pronounced. My nail beds also tighten and my nails grow longer, and my eyes also become pure white with a tiny pupil.

Do these physical  changes vanish immediately after you leave this particular trance ? And what are the psychological changes that befall you while you're still immersed in that state? Once again, thanks.
''Come on, I want you to do it, I want you to do it. Come on, hit me. *Hit me!''

-The Joker to Batman, The Dark Knight


The heightened sense's disappear immediately yes, but the lengthened nails and teeth take a couple of seconds, not sure abut the eye's.

Psychologically I remain quite similar to my normal self, apart from the fact I have an intense hunger and my mind is extremely fuzzy and its hard to think of anything apart form the need to eat.
~~An army of asses led by a lion is better than an army of lions led by an ass~~


For what I was saying before: I've met insects before.  You only see the predators because, not only do people identify more easilly with them, but the "fake"-therians tend to only choose them, because they are "cooler" and if you want to be an "uber badass werewolf", you can't be a squirrel, you've got to be a wolf.  lol.
As to what PantheraLeo was saying: The idea that it brings on those kinds of abnormal, temporary physical changes has been written off by the general community as an illusion.
To the current Point: I've noticed that, that people tend to desire to be different.  I'm like that too.  Finding ways to feel different gives you a feeling of self-worth if you're missing one, that you're unique, and make a contribution to the world that no one else can, especially if you've got things draining your self esteem.  But as I say to those who want to become weres/vampires: You're special enough as you are.  You have traits to be proud of.  There's no need to pretend to be something you aren't, and doing so is only hurting yourself.
"Even a dead fish can go with the flow" not to mention an UNdead one, but that's not the point... >!>;;
I am a Were-Raccoon/Dragon, that makes me feel sexy.


Thanks for that rather informative post, SherlawkDragon. As a matter of fact, the views you expressed tend to reflect my own to a large degree, especially where both the preponderance of mammalian weres among therians and physical shifting are  concerned.  With that said, I'd like to ask for your perspective as a therian, as to what exactly the process of ''shifting'' means to you? Does it entail submerging yourself completely in the mind of your ''other half''? Or is it a less complete transformation that only involves the temporary adoption of certain traits about your phenotype that resonate with you? Thanks.
''Come on, I want you to do it, I want you to do it. Come on, hit me. *Hit me!''

-The Joker to Batman, The Dark Knight


Shifting can be alot of things for an individual.  Therianthropy is very personal, likely even moreso than vampirism.  I have multiple kinds of shifts, and multiple ways I do it, from simply changing my behavior through idle will, to full magic-ish rituals.  So, Yes and No.  I sometimes completely throw myself into an alternate, shifted, state, and other times I just let a little bit of fur out, so to speak.  I'm actually one of those who's pretty much always somewhat in that state of being shifted, which is fun I guess...
"Even a dead fish can go with the flow" not to mention an UNdead one, but that's not the point... >!>;;
I am a Were-Raccoon/Dragon, that makes me feel sexy.


QuoteI have multiple kinds of shifts, and multiple ways I do it, from simply changing my behavior through idle will, to full magic-ish rituals

Would it be possible for you to list and describe each of your shifts briefly? Once again, thanks.
''Come on, I want you to do it, I want you to do it. Come on, hit me. *Hit me!''

-The Joker to Batman, The Dark Knight


Oh!  Someone said something to me!  lol.  Sorry, I was overlooking you.
Quote from: blow_fly on January 30, 2009, 08:17:01 PMWould 'it be possible for you to list and describe each of your shifts briefly? Once again, thanks.
I'd like to, but as I've said, this is very personal/spiritual/individual.  It's very hard for me to explain what it's like.  Even still, I don't really have obvious shifts as a dragon, though I think I can give you an idea about my Raccoon shifts that might point you well.  It's like I have a Raccoon inside of me, but it's in a box, or a pen, or something, inside of me, and can only act through barks and such, this raccoon though, is me, a part of me, but fully me.  When I shift, it's like I let that out of the box, and fully allow it to take over, I push it in fact.  When I do this, I like to combine it with things that I find make it stronger or more stimulating.  That's how I interpret the internal processes of a typical shift, hope that helps you understand it.
Why are you so interested anyway?  (And if I remember, aren't you a skeptic on these things?)
"Even a dead fish can go with the flow" not to mention an UNdead one, but that's not the point... >!>;;
I am a Were-Raccoon/Dragon, that makes me feel sexy.

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