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The most challenging aspect of being a therian?

Started by Lupus, November 09, 2009, 02:14:39 PM

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does it feel like instinct? or a strong/uncontrollable urge?
is it even possible to have more than one side? i look to more experianced members for this question

as for burning things , i am a bit of a pyromaniac , but i havent set fire to anything in years. as for destroying things , i sometimes do when im angry or frustrated. But that was when i had no idea what i am

Mental Disorder

It does quite feel like instinct most of the time.
It's like that alot of the time. I really want the shreik in the middle of my classes. I also do it to just scare the crap out of others. As for the frog thing, I really want to sit like one and jump. I also itch alot around the face and hair.
"Behold, the imagination, the greatest thing mankind has, always remember it's your greatest weapon." - Me


lol i could snarl , growl and howl all the time if i wanted to , but for the sake of appearing to retain sanity i unfortuantely have to keep the wolf under raps , as much as i hate doing so , there are no therains where i live , and if i was to go wild... well , people would think im even stranger than normal , and thats being kind. damn narrow-minded people !

n.b. being older just makes it hard i find - people think youll have grown out of it... how little they know..


Who the hell let in the asian... Just kidding. haha

seeing that you do not contribute to the thread, as do i not by replying to you Miyako.. Oh well, i dont know.
Thank you? I think is fitting. :D

You enjoy our hardship? Our curse. sort of. ? You find it amusing that we have to control us to keep ourselves humans and fitting into the world? -.-

I dont.
Don't seek faith, let faith seek you.


Quote from: Miyako on November 19, 2009, 04:58:06 PM
*bows*forgive the intrusion.....but i was intrigued by this particular gathering of....weres....
how so..? the way you said that makes me slightly suspisciuos lol  :-D

Quote from: Omnipotent on November 20, 2009, 05:15:05 AM
Who the hell let in the asian... Just kidding. haha

seeing that you do not contribute to the thread, as do i not by replying to you Miyako.. Oh well, i dont know.
Thank you? I think is fitting. :D

You enjoy our hardship? Our curse. sort of. ? You find it amusing that we have to control us to keep ourselves humans and fitting into the world? -.-

I dont.

hmm... i find it more liberating in a sense. Being like this , makes you feel so alive. Shame that the majority of people cant accept difference. Ironically for me , its my life that is the cage. Sure , the world im part of means i cant fully be myself , kinda cruel i guess - but at least i have a taste of it , rather than nothing at all.


You speak the truth Lupus, it does make me feel alive.
Makes me also kinda distracted and i cant sometimes focus very well.. :P But yeah, alive indeed! :)

And my life has been a cage aswell, since i gained a little more conciousness of my own, i mean, the teenage years.. realizing how i was acting and so on. (thats how i stumbled upon this site, haha)

And i know what you mean. :) Most people just live, with no other qualities and aspects, other than just being human, mindless (almost)... Kinda makes me sad, honestly. That they cant understand and think outside the box.
Don't seek faith, let faith seek you.


Yeah, it's really sad for them. I wish they could think like us. Then maybe the world would be better. Who knows?
I am the spirit of the wolf, the fire of it's heart.

Sometimes life seems too quiet
Into paralyzing silence
Like the moonless dark

-Sorrow by Flyleaf


firstly , forgive me for saying this
i only hate edward cullen. good thing its just a fictional character

secondly , why would i hate people i havent yet met? if you dont hate me from the start , im sure all will be fine. i wouldnt be posting on this forum if i was enemies with the world and those who inhabit it


interpritations of us by the media... i think we all could say something about that huh?


Forgiven and fburied, Miyako ^^
No problems at all :P

Such a dedicated person you are. Hehe, person.

Well thank you :)

As for the media making us look like a bunch of freaks, to be feared, always. But not honored and respected.. (Kinda the same word, but you know. double meanings)
Yeah, cant say i like that. :) Aswell as how its always said we aint real... I'm here, im real, right?... Well, maybe i ain't, considering some philosophers.

Well enough of this jibberjabber.

Don't seek faith, let faith seek you.


got it in one omni

still out of curoisity and out of purpose too - can you identify what can triggers shifts? because i happen to get them at the most awkward times. Dont get me wrong , i dont want to supress it - its feels so liberating and wild... but it is attracting undue attention , and i'd rather remaim unoticed.


Quote from: Lupus on November 23, 2009, 01:38:59 PM
got it in one omni

still out of curoisity and out of purpose too - can you identify what can triggers shifts? because i happen to get them at the most awkward times. Dont get me wrong , i dont want to supress it - its feels so liberating and wild... but it is attracting undue attention , and i'd rather remaim unoticed.

Yeah, i get that sometimes. Last time i was in public, down town.. I cought a glimpse of the moon, and the beauty just made me forget about myself, therefor losing control of my body in a way.
So, i had a triggered shift that i had no control over, but i managed to supress it down. :)

What triggers it, i think, forgetting yourself triggers it.
Freeing your mind, basically.

Also some desired need to do so, aswell.. if you need a little extra boost i guess, for whatever reason.

Don't seek faith, let faith seek you.


hmm... recently i have been in great need of a boost... partly due to a number of things outside my control ; i wont list (its better not to)
but im rather unsure if its right to trigger a shift just to lift me up a bit.... sure , it might work for a while , but it doesnt solve my problems and a i guess it also feels a bit like an abuse of power as such. its a bit mundane to use something so specail to solve common problems. Thats just me though.

recently , ive also bee finding life rather amusing - one friend , who just so happens to be learning psychology said to me that she wouldnt be suprised if she next saw me as a wolf... the point of it though - do you find some people figure you out better , while others will never con onto you at all?


Not long after I told my ex about my being a therian she and I had an argument about... I'm not really sure somehow I had threatened someone she cared about in a joking way and she jokingly told me that she and her freinds would hunt me down and beat me if i did that. Then we looked at each other and I saw her eyes change from joking to comeplete seriousnes. After that I blacked out for a brief second and im pretty sure the wolf in me and the vampire or wolf or whatever it is she is in her were about to fight. this kinda thing happens often but not with people who are also otherkin or therian.

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