
The artist must bow to the monster of his own imagination. - Richard Wright

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The most challenging aspect of being a therian?

Started by Lupus, November 09, 2009, 02:14:39 PM

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Ok , so what do you find is the most challenging part of being a therian?

is it badly timed mental shifts? or that growl that just slips out?

Stories/ experiances?

i'll get it started. for me , its the frustration of nearly always being stuck inside , cut off from the outside world , and also the problem of not being able to be myself fully because many of my new freinds now are not therians , or even open-minded enough to listen.


I'd say the most challenging aspect is having to hide that urge to run on all fours in P.E. Also te growling is hard and overall just trying to hide your true self.
I am the spirit of the wolf, the fire of it's heart.

Sometimes life seems too quiet
Into paralyzing silence
Like the moonless dark

-Sorrow by Flyleaf


Just like Erin said. I do have those urges, but i do sometimes only reply in growls and barks. It really depends. I dont care who is around either.. I just do it.

Also i kinda paw at people who i want something from xD Making them question me like a dog, its fun, right? Then why not do it? :P
As for stories, i dont know.. If i havent prepared myself for the beauty of a bright moon,
and i know this may seem like bulls**t or has no effect on others..
But it captivates me and kinda makes me forget myself, and in that moment i lose control of my shift. Lose control of myself, overall.

Anyway, thats pretty much it i think. I guess more people have something more interesting to share than me. I kinda have it really easy being, what i am.

Don't seek faith, let faith seek you.


Quote from: Omnipotent on November 11, 2009, 04:38:07 PM
Just like Erin said. I do have those urges, but i do sometimes only reply in growls and barks. It really depends. I dont care who is around either.. I just do it.

Also i kinda paw at people who i want something from xD Making them question me like a dog, its fun, right? Then why not do it? :P
As for stories, i dont know.. If i havent prepared myself for the beauty of a bright moon,
and i know this may seem like bulls**t or has no effect on others..
But it captivates me and kinda makes me forget myself, and in that moment i lose control of my shift. Lose control of myself, overall.

Anyway, thats pretty much it i think. I guess more people have something more interesting to share than me. I kinda have it really easy being, what i am.


actually , it doesnt seem like bulls**t Omni , cos most of the time i randomly find myself staring at the moon for no real reason. sometimes i have a shift , othertimes i dont - its kinda random timing really...


I like to stare at the moon, too. It just captivates me and I just like how pretty it looks. I especially likes it when it looks yellow or orange.

The weird thing about me and the moon is that there isn't one time in my life I remember seeing the moon as if it was HUGE.
I am the spirit of the wolf, the fire of it's heart.

Sometimes life seems too quiet
Into paralyzing silence
Like the moonless dark

-Sorrow by Flyleaf


lol , any of you happen to see a howling wolf in the moon?


no, maybe i should look at it next time it's full
I am the spirit of the wolf, the fire of it's heart.

Sometimes life seems too quiet
Into paralyzing silence
Like the moonless dark

-Sorrow by Flyleaf


Some feel safe in the light some feel safe in the dark which are you?


Okay okay guys xD The hardest part of being a therian.. come on guys :P  :focus:

Don't seek faith, let faith seek you.


yea it'll have to be not be myself at all. can't stand it. when I'm walking at school i just want to run on all fours and lol when i look out the windows i find i have been staring out them for like 10-20 mins. when it's night time and the moon is out i always find my self staring up at it, when I'm with my friends they always ask what I'm looking at. to bad they won't ever understand.  :-(
this shell i live in is nothing but a shell of my true self but I'll live everyday without regret in.


Also, one of the hardest part of being a therian is that your friends don't know what you are and they'll never really understand... :-(
I am the spirit of the wolf, the fire of it's heart.

Sometimes life seems too quiet
Into paralyzing silence
Like the moonless dark

-Sorrow by Flyleaf


so true... ive only talked to two friends about it and even then i doubt they understood any of it at all. Would i tell anyone else? i doubt it , unless they were therian too , in which case it would be gratifying to physically know someone who is like you. but i dont have that option , in which case , there is always this site :-D


Quote from: Lupus on November 16, 2009, 11:55:36 AM
so true... ive only talked to two friends about it and even then i doubt they understood any of it at all. Would i tell anyone else? i doubt it , unless they were therian too , in which case it would be gratifying to physically know someone who is like you. but i dont have that option , in which case , there is always this site :-D

I know some therians, within the physical realm. And i mean, sure it is nice :) To me though its harder to understand them. We are all so very different..
I know some furries too, but they kinda dont have a clue what a therian is. Its kinda funny i guess.

Theres one more thing i guess, its the scent of cooking that can drive me nuts. :) I mean, it drives most people nuts but how i can just define the smell...its delicious.

Don't seek faith, let faith seek you.


well, for me I have accepted that i am human, but I absolutely love howling at the full moon. It is such a thrill!!!!!!! It fills me with such emotion. %&$
Insanity is a fun state of mind. I can amuse myself and have my friends wanting to get me a straight jacket and a padded room.

Mental Disorder

Quote from: Erin_wolf on November 15, 2009, 03:40:56 PM
Also, one of the hardest part of being a therian is that your friends don't know what you are and they'll never really understand... :-(

I'm sort of like this. Except of course my freinds don't know what I am.
I do sounds with my throat and they sound like bird screams.
I also have the tendacy to jump like a frog.
My hands and legs are always energetic.
I always want to burn or destroy something.
Even I have no clue what I am. (People call me the Human Zoo)
"Behold, the imagination, the greatest thing mankind has, always remember it's your greatest weapon." - Me

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