
The sleep of reason produces monsters (El SueƱo de la Razon Produce Monstruos) - Francisco Goya

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A poem from the soul of Sebastian

Started by sabman31, October 06, 2008, 05:16:51 PM

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The meaning of life evades me,
Men toil everyday, searching for purpose,
God, justice, love, life,
What happens to those of us on the wayside?
those who god cannot reach?
justice laughs at, and love has forsaken,
life is a building block of memories,
what is a block of bad stone?
Have you ever lost something?


I dream of the wind on my face,
the thunder of hooves, the thrill of a fast ride,
the open grounds, land unmarred by men,
biting cold in contrast with boiling blood,
dark oiled leather, dusted and tanned by the sun,
the rush of time fading as the earth becomes a blurr,
I dream of the wind on my face,
I dream of home.

Regina Terra

Oh my gosh, that's beautiful. Makes me think of all the horse ranchers out here, riding their horses through the desert.
Gabriel, "Don't kill yourself for it would crush my angelic heart. I love you for who you are and I'm glad I met you. :]"

"I'm going to break him, and there will be blood."


One I wrote for my wife

If only I could say these words my heart would rest easier,
you are ever faithful friend, even in my times of selfishness,
fallen by choice into this state of chaos, to give me the gift of your love,
there are times when I question if I'll ever be worthy of you,
and times when I wish you'd betray me in some way so I can justify my doubtful mind,
never wavering you've given up all to stand with me,
A king could'nt replace you, a queen isn't dignified enough to sit with you, and I........
you've fought my demons with me, and given me feet to stand on,
I love you,
Just being with you makes years of pain and self destruction fade away,
The strength, bravery, and genuine goodness, I sometimes suprise myself with, start in your eyes,
Makes it easier not to hate myself,
One day I hope to give it all back,
show you how I feel, so you'll know when I say I love you,
I mean it for a million reasons.


 Oh wow... That last one is amazing! No other word for it.

I love how your work is so chopped up. You don't worry about meter or rhyme.. and it's beautiful. You express yourself very well. Keep digging through that drawer. :wink:
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...



my voice is a blank page, what I can't tell you I can write down,
like a camera in my mind, I pour out the images of my soul,
the colors there blend, makes it hard for some to distinguish sight from sound, taste from touch,
but its all there, every piece of me, like broken glass, waiting to be mended,
every tear, drop of sweat, trickle of blood, waiting to be painted in the right picture, so the story can be told,
what will my story be?
drama, mystery, horror, romance?
maybe a touch of them all,
I hold the pen in my hand, writing my own end,
waiting for the last bittersweet line to close the poem,
someday I'll pen it down, someday I'll write it out,
but if I can't do it,
If fate doesn't allow me time to close my story,
will you finish piecing my puzzle together?


 Ohh... what a beautiful request. Hopefully all of us will have someone to remember us in writing.
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


got motivated and dug up some other stuff, will post some tonight.


I sit, watching the world,
day in, day out, like mice on a wheel lives play out,
some spinning slow, some fast and out of control,
its tiring, my perch of aloofnes I sometimes see myself on,
then I begin to wonder,
what if my imagination has led me to believe I myself do not sit on a wheel?
One that spins wider maybe, but a wheel none the less,
constantly spinning, yet so subtle I cannot feel its movement,
when is the cycle complete, when do I go home?
Will the sins of my past spin back to me, or can I run one pace faster than the trap Im in?
This cycle, this wheel, could it be my hell?
How do you break the gears that turn you without breaking yourself?


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