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Writing short stories

Started by Regina Terra, November 07, 2008, 04:36:46 PM

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Regina Terra

Hey everybody, I was wondering if anyone has any advice for writing short stories?

I'm attempting to write my first one. :-D
Gabriel, "Don't kill yourself for it would crush my angelic heart. I love you for who you are and I'm glad I met you. :]"

"I'm going to break him, and there will be blood."


Yeah, know how the story is going to end before you put your first word down. If you know how it is going to end, then you can do what ever you want to your characters along the way. But to write a story, you have to see it in your mind and write down what you see there. Its too bad that the best way to drain the color from a dream is to try and put it into words.

Good luck.


Regina Terra

That's good, I know how my story is gonna end, it's absolutely horrible. Lol, but that's the best part about it, my main character isn't a hero or anything, she's just human. In all our flawed glory. :evil:
Gabriel, "Don't kill yourself for it would crush my angelic heart. I love you for who you are and I'm glad I met you. :]"

"I'm going to break him, and there will be blood."


I finished my first novel recently, it's with an editor now, and I'm working on the second one. I agree that it's easier if you know how the story ends, or at least have an idea of where you want it to go. Just start writing, the words will come. If they don't, don't stress about it, try again later. Try not to rush yourself within a certain time frame or worry about how long it will be. Make your first goal simply to put the words on paper. When you finish, go over it to fix your mistakes, but don't change your story, it'll lose its sense of being "raw".

Good luck!!!!

Regina Terra

Oh, awesome!!! What book is it leshy?

& I'll follow your advice. :-D
Gabriel, "Don't kill yourself for it would crush my angelic heart. I love you for who you are and I'm glad I met you. :]"

"I'm going to break him, and there will be blood."


Well it's a fantasy/romance. My main characters are the Leshy which in Slavic mythology are forest creatures that guard the forest and are bound to it. Although the myth goes that there typically is only one Leshy per territory, mine live together in tribes. They fight the Vukodlak. I've read many different accounts about what they are, some say they are like vampires, some say they are werewolves, and some say that they are both. Mine are a cross between the two and are created when evil spirited men, or women, die while in a forest that is protected by the Leshy.

Mr. Kreepy

Your...story has....Vukodlak?



Thanks! It even has a Vukodlak hybrid that was the result of the spirit Mora breeding with a very nasty Vukodlak. He's a pretty bad fellow.

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