
The irreligious poet is a monster. - Robert Burns

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Post your own poems and songs here

Started by RavenFreefall, September 08, 2009, 02:44:55 AM

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Hey this is a place where everyone can post their own poems and songs if they want people to read them and give honest feedback... I guess ill start us off

Fallen Angel

Flames of vengeance fall from the sky,
Tear streaked faces as angels cry,
Strayed from his graces, cant find the way back,
Now the soul, is all but pitch black,
The greatest of sinners, committed them all,
The demons of hell are having a ball,
Causing mayhem chaos and trouble,
Shattered now is the protective bubble,
Exposed to the world are all the faults,
Pick at the seams, unscrew the bolts,
Falling apart, torn asunder,
A careless mistake, a foolish blunder,
Loss of wings, fall from grace,
Towards the earth does pick up pace
Shattering dreams and dashing hope,
Knew all along the angel couldn't cope,
But before earth hits, begins to float,
Beginning to see hopes do bloat,
Then falling again, it's all dashed to pieces,
Until all, even breathing ceases.
For the First TIme,
Im Losing Control,
And I Like It,
Freedom Feels Like The Noose is Gone

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