
I beheld the wretch - the miserable monster whom I had created. - Mary Shelley, Frankenstein (1818)

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Cannabalisitc Beasts

Started by M Sidhe, December 04, 2006, 03:03:37 PM

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M Sidhe

I'm looking for names of canabalisitc beasts from any mythology in the world. Just give me as many as possible and a link to information on it. I'm trying to draw insperation on them to make a creature for a story monster/character.  I do already have the Wendigo since it is my favorite of the ones I know.

Zak, I do hope this is in the right section. You run a tight ship around here.

Mr. Maggot

''Every revolution begins with the power of an idea and ends when the only idea left is clinging on to power''.

Zak Roy Yoballa

Quote from: M Sidhe on December 04, 2006, 03:03:37 PM
I'm looking for names of canabalisitc beasts from any mythology in the world. Just give me as many as possible and a link to information on it. I'm trying to draw insperation on them to make a creature for a story monster/character.  I do already have the Wendigo since it is my favorite of the ones I know.

Zak, I do hope this is in the right section. You run a tight ship around here.

Yep, this is the right section!  I can't remember the name right now but the Greeks and Romans had beings with their faces in their chests (no heads if you will) that were canabals.  I'll look for their name and post it.
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