
I think you have to know who you are. Get to know the monster that lives in your soul, dive deep into your soul and explore it. - Tori Amos

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nessie vs bigfoot vs yeti vs cyclops vs minotour vs mermaid vs jersey devil more

Started by Morton, November 14, 2007, 06:41:52 AM

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If you could pick any of these mystical creatures to come alive and one of them be found and brought to this world as a new creature who would it be either a loch ness monster , bigfoot, yeti, cyclops, minotour, mermaid, fairy, jersey devil.

I would choose a cyclops

rave phillaphia

thats a hard one; I might go with the loch ness monster but I also like mermaids... very hard one... probally lock ness monster (I love dinosaurs so...)
jersey devil is pretty sweet too though i am not sure i would want to get caught between it and the fire place...


definitely loch ness monster because he is pretty much a B.A.M.F.


The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


minotaur so I could wrestle with it...yeah, I'd die but it would be a hell of a ride till I do  :lol:
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Than the taste
Of rejection

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