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Credo Mutwa on lizard men

Started by blow_fly, May 02, 2009, 07:30:18 PM

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Credo Mutwa is a famed if somewhat eccentric spiritual leader in S.Africa who abandoned orthodox Christianity for the traditional shamanic beliefs of the Zulu following his violent rape as a young man by a group of miners.  In the wake of that traumatic incident, he was encouraged by his maternal grandfather to find solace in the traditional Zulu religion. When he susbequently demonstrated that he had exceptional qualities usually found only in ''sangomas'' or Zulu shamans, he was formally initiated into the rites and mysteries conducted by Zulu shamans. Since then, he has developed a great deal of effort and energy towards emphasizing what he deems to be the great threat from a mysterious race of alien  beings that  share striking similarities with the Reptoids of classic UFO lore which have also been accused of orchestrating a grand conspiracy to conquer humanity. However, the  beings that Mutwa speaks of are firmly grounded in traditional Zulu muythology as excerpts from the following interview demonstrate. This for anyone who's always wanted to hear a modern take on traditional African mythology. Enjoy

It has been  said that the Native Elders of any given tribe hold the keys to knowledge.  This statement has never been more clearly confirmed than in the recent interview I had the great privilege to conduct with Zulu ?Sanusi? (Shaman) Credo Mutwa, now nearing eighty years of age. 

Through the efforts and assistance of David Icke, I was able to establish contact with Dr. Johan Joubert, who graciously coordinated with Credo Mutwa, thus allowing the interview to take place by telephone, literally half-way around the world in South Africa.  We at The SPECTRUM would like to convey our deepest appreciation to both David Icke and to Dr. Joubert for their selfless efforts at getting this man?s Truth out to the world. 

I first heard about Credo Mutwa five years ago, only at that time it didn?t seem possible to speak with him directly by telephone, as he lives in a somewhat remote area with no phone.  When I heard from David Icke that he had spent time with Credo Mutwa and that he would be willing to speak with The SPECTRUM, well, that?s all it took.  Through the wonder of the international telephone lines, on August 13 we had what turned out to be a 4-hour session!  And no, we are not about to pare it down to ?sound bite? size.  The words he has spoken will appear completely and in full context, as is our usual policy-a matter of respect for the speaker as well as simply being good, honest journalism! 

Credo Mutwa is a man whom David Icke describes as: ?The most amazing and knowledgeable man it has been my privilege and honor to call a friend, a genius.?  After speaking with Credo Mutwa, I couldn?t agree more.

I would like to comment that Credo Mutwa, while not a man of formal education, was kind enough and conscientious enough to spell all of the Zulu or African words, proper names, etc. for this article.  Those of you who may be African scholars will find this level of accuracy more advantageous to your research than will the average reader, however such care taken by Credo is yet another facet of his honesty and precision. 

If you feel that you have read some material lately that stretches your thinking and challenges some belief systems, this interview will take you one step beyond.  As always, Truth is stranger than fiction.  As well, Truth-or pieces of Truth revealed to any one of us-are part of a larger mosaic, and thus it is up to each of us to arrive at our own conclusions concerning the Truth that others have to share with us.

We are honored to have this opportunity to present Credo Mutwa?s experiences and knowledge with you.  It is a most rare and much appreciated opportunity.

The astonishing information presented by Credo Mutwa is certainly thought provoking and far-reaching in both implications and scope.  Once you read this information you will more readily understand why there have been attempts to silence him.  Similarly, you will more deeply appreciate Credo?s courage for coming forth and speaking truth, no matter the consequences to self.

So, without further introductory commentary, let the interview begin.

Martin:  First of all, let me say it is an honor and a privilege to speak with you, and I would like to thank and acknowledge David Icke and Dr. Joubert, without whose help we would not be having this conversation today.

Our readers are aware of the existence of the shape-shifting reptilian extraterrestrials, and what I would like to discuss with you concerns the specifics of their presence, their leadership, their agenda, and their methods of operation at this time.

So, the first question I would like to ask you is: Can you confirm that shape-shifting reptilian extraterrestrials do, in fact, exist on our planet at this time?  And if they do, if you can confirm this, will you please be specific about them.  Where do they come from?

''Come on, I want you to do it, I want you to do it. Come on, hit me. *Hit me!''

-The Joker to Batman, The Dark Knight


Credo Mutwa:  Sir, can your newspaper send people to Africa? 

Martin:  I?m sorry, can you repeat that?

Credo Mutwa:  Can your newspaper kindly send somebody to Africa in the near future? 

Martin:  We are financially not able to do that at this time, but that may change in the future. 

Credo Mutwa:  Because there are some things that I would, please, like your newspaper to check-out, independent of me. You have heard of the country called Rwanda, in Central Africa? 

Martin:  Yes.

Credo Mutwa:  The people of Rwanda, the Hutu people, as well as the Watusi people, state, and they are not the only people in Africa who state this, that their very oldest ancestors were a race of beings whom they called the Imanujela, which means ?the Lords who have come?.  And some tribes in West Africa, such as a Bambara people, also say the same thing.  They say that they came from the sky, many, many generations ago, a race of highly advanced and fearsome creatures which looked like men, and they call them Zishwezi.  The word Zishwezi means the dival or the glidal-creatures that can glide down from the sky or glide through water. 

Everybody, sir, has heard about the Dogon people in Western Africa who all say that they were given culture by the normal beings, but they are not-the Dogon people are but ONE of many, many peoples in Africa who claim that their tribe or their king were first founded by the supernatural race of creatures that came from the sky.

Are you still with me, sir?

Martin:  Oh yes, very much so.  Please continue.

Credo Mutwa:  Sir, I can go on and on, but let me bring you to my people, the Zulu people of South Africa.

Martin:  Please.

Credo Mutwa:  The Zulu people, who are famous as a warrior people, the people to whom King Shaka Zulu, of the last century, belonged.  When you ask a South African White anthropologist what the name of Zulu means, he will say it means ?the sky? (laughter), and therefore the Zulu call themselves ?people of the sky?.  That, sir, is non-sense.  In the Zulu language, our name for the sky, the blue sky, is sibakabaka.  Our name for inter-planetary space, however, is izulu and the weduzulu, which means ?inter-planetary space, the dark sky that you see with stars in it every night?, also has to do with traveling, sir.  The Zulu word for traveling at random, like a nomad or a gypsy, is izula.

Now, you can see that the Zulu people in South Africa were aware of the fact that you can travel through space-not through the sky like a bird-but you can travel through space, and the Zulus claim that many, many thousands of years ago there arrived, out of the skies, a race of people who were like lizards, people who could change shape at will.  And people who married their daughters to a walking (extraterrestrial), and produced a power race of Kings and tribal Chiefs, there are hundreds of fairy-tales, sir, in which a lizard female assumes the identity of a human princess and poses as her, and gets married to a Zulu Prince.

Every school child in South Africa, sir, knows about the story of a princess called Khombecansini.  Khombecansini was to have married a handsome Prince called Kakaka, a name which means ?the enlightened one?.  Now, one day while Khombecansini was gathering firewood in the bush, she met a creature called an Imbulu.  And this Imbulu was a lizard which has the body and the limbs of a human being, but a long tail.  And this lizard spoke to Princess Khombecansini, ?Oh, how beautiful you are, girl, I wish I could be like you.  I wish I could look like you.  Can I come close to you?? said the Imbulu lizard woman to the princess.

And the princess said, ?Yes, you can.?

''Come on, I want you to do it, I want you to do it. Come on, hit me. *Hit me!''

-The Joker to Batman, The Dark Knight


And as the lizard, which was a taller one, came close to the girl, she spat into the girl?s eyes and she began to change.  That is, the lizard suddenly changed into a human shape and this lizard began to look more and more and more and more like the girl, with the exception of her long, pointed tail.  And then, with her sudden burst of violence, the lizard woman sealed the princess and removed all her bangles and her beads and her wedding skirt off her, and she put them on.  Thus, the lizard became the princess.

Now there were two identical women in the bush, the shape-shifted lizard woman and the original woman.  And the lizard woman said to the original woman, ?Now you are my slave.  Now you are going to accompany me to the marriage.  I will be you and you will be my slave, come-on!?  She took a stick and started beating up the poor princess.  And then she went, accompanied by other girls who were bride?s maids, according to Zulu custom, and she arrived at Prince Kakaka?s village.  But, before they reached the village she had to do something about her tail, that is, the shape-shifting woman had, somehow, to hide the tail.  So, she forced the princess to weave a net out of fiber and she tucked the tail in and she tied it tight to herself.  She now looked like a Zulu woman with attractive, very big buttocks, when seen from outside. 

And then, when she arrived and she became the wife of the prince, a strange thing started happening in the village.  All of the milk started disappearing because each night the shape-shifting princess, the false princess, used to release her tail, which used to suck in all of the sour milk through a hole at the tip of the tail.  And the mother-in-law said, ?What is this?  Why is the milk disappearing??  Then, she said, ?No, I see, there is an Imbulu amongst us.? 

The mother-in-law, who was a clever old lady, said, ?A hole must be dug in the front of the village and it must be filled with milk.?  And this was done.  And then, all of the girls who had come with the false princess were told to jump over this hole.  One after the other one, they jumped.  And when the shape-shifter was forced, at spear-point, to jump as well, as she jumped her long tail burst out of the net under her skirt and started slurping the milk through the hole, and the warriors killed the shape-shifter.  And thus, the real Princess Khombecansini became the wife of the king-of King Kakaka. 

Now, sir, this story has got many versions in it.  Throughout South Africa, amongst many tribes, you?ll find stories of these amazing creatures who are capable of changing from reptile to human being, and from reptile to any other animal of their choice.  And these creatures, sir, do really exist.  No matter where you go throughout Southern, Eastern, Western, and Central Africa, you?ll find that the description of these creatures is the same.  Even amongst tribes which never, throughout their long history, had contact with each other at all.

So, there ARE such creatures.  Where they come from, I will never claim to know, sir.  But they are associated with certain stars in the sky, and one of these stars is a large group of stars which is part of the Milky Way, which our people call Ingiyab, which means ?The Great Serpent?.  And there is a red star, a redish star, near the tip of this huge rim of stars which our people call IsoneNkanyamba.

Now, this star called IsoneNkanyamba, I managed to find its English name.  It is the star called Alpha Centauri, in English.  Now, this, sir, is something that is worth investigating.  Why is it that well over 500 tribes in parts of Africa which I?ve visited in the last 40 or 50 years or so, all of them describe similar creatures?

It is said that these creatures feed on us human beings; that they, at one time, challenged God Himself to war, because they wanted full control of the universe.  And God fought a terrible battle against them and He defeated them, injured them, and forced them to hide in cities underground.

They hide in deep cavities underground,  because they are always feeling cold.  In these cavities, we are told, there are huge fires which are kept going by slaves, human, zombie-like slaves.  And, it is further said that these Zuswazi, these Imbulu, or whatever you choose to call them, are not capable of eating solid food.  They either eat human blood, or they eat that power, the energy that is generated when human beings, on the surface of the Earth, are fighting and killing each other in large numbers.

I met people who have fled from the early Masaki in Rwanda, from years ago, and these people were horrified by what was happening in their country.  They said that the slaughter of the Hutus by the Watusi, and the Watusi by the Hutus, is actually feeding the Imanujela, monsters.  Because the Imanujela like to inhale the energy that is generated by masses of people being terrified or being killed by other people. 

Are you still with me, sir?

Martin:  Yes, I?m completely with you.

Credo Mutwa:  Now, let me point out an interesting thing, sir.  If you study the languages of all African nations, you find within the languages of our people words which are similar to Oriental, Middle-Eastern, and even Native American words.  And the word Imanujela means ?the Lord who came?.  A word that anyone can discover in Rwanda, amongst the Rwandan Hutu and Watusi people, is very similar to the Herbrew word Immanuel, which means ?the Lord is with us?.  Imanujela, ?the ones who came, the Lords who are here?. 

Our people believe, sir, that we, the people of this Earth, are not masters of our own lives, really, although we are made to think that we are.  Our people say, that is, Black people of all tribes, all of the initiated ones, all of the shamans everywhere in Africa, when they get to trust you and share their deepest secrets with you, they say that [with] the Imanujela, there is Imbulu.  And there is another name by which these creatures are known.  This name is Chitauli.  Now, the word Chitauli means ?the dictators, the ones who tell us the law?.  In other words, ?they who tell us, secretly, what we are to do?.  Now, it is said that these Chitauli did a number of things to us when they came to this planet. 

Please forgive me, but I must share this story with you.  It is one of the strangest stories that you find everywhere in Africa in shamanic secret societies and other places where the remnant of our ancient knowledge and wisdom are still preserved.  It is that, originally, the Earth was covered by a very thick blanket of fog or mist.  That people could not actually see the Sun in the sky, except as a nimble of light.  And they also saw the Moon at night as a gentle claw of light in the sky, because there was this heavy mist.  And the rain was always falling in a steady drizzle.  There was no thunder, however.  There were no storms. 

The world was thickly covered with great forests, great jungles, and people lived in peace on Earth at that time.  People were happy and it is said, at that time, we human beings did not have the power of speech.  We only made funny sounds like happy monkeys and baboons, but we did not have speech as we now have it.  And in those centuries, people spoke to each other through their mind.

A man could call his wife thinking about her, thinking about the shape of her face, the smell of her body, and the feel of hair as a woman.  That a hunter would go out into the bush and call out for animals to come, and the animals would select one of their number which was old and tired, and this animal would offer itself to the hunter so that he may kill it quickly and take it as meat to his cave.

There was no violence against animals.  There was no violence against Nature by human beings at that time.  Man used to ask for food from Nature.  He used to come to a tree and think about fruit, and the tree would allow some of its fruit to fall to the ground, and man would take it. 

And then it is said, however, that when the Chitauli came to Earth, they arrived in terrible vessels which flew through the air, vessels which were shaped like great bowls and which made a terrible noise and a terrible fire in the sky.  And the Chitauli told human beings, whom they gathered together by force with whips of lightning, that they were great gods from the sky and that from now on they would receive a number of great gifts from the god.  These so-called gods, who were like human beings, but very tall, with a long tail, and with terrible burning eyes, some of them had two eyes-yellow, bright eyes-some had three eyes, the red, round eye being in the center of their forehead.  These creatures then took away the great powers that human beings had: the power of speaking through the mind only, the power of moving objects with their mind only, the power of seeing into the future and into their past, and the power to travel, spiritually, to different worlds.

All of these great powers the Chitauli took away from human beings and they gave human beings a new power, now, the power of speech.  But, human beings found, to their horror, that the power of speech divided human beings, instead of uniting them, because the Chitauli cunningly created different languages, and they caused a great quarrel between people.  Also, the Chitauli did something which has never been done before: they gave human beings people to rule over them, and they said, ?These are your kings, these are your chiefs.  They have our blood in them.  They are our children, and you must listen to these people because they will speak on our behalf.  If you don?t, we are going punish you very terribly.? 

Before the coming of the Chitauli, before the coming of the Imbulu creatures, human beings were spiritually one.  But when the Chitauli came, human beings became divided, both spiritually as well as by language.

And then, human beings were given strange new feelings by the Chitauli.  Human beings started to feel unsafe, and so they started making villages with very strong fences of wood around them.  Human beings started becoming country makers.  In other words, they started creating tribes and tribe lands, which had borders, which they defended against any possible enemy. Human beings became ambitious and greedy and they wanted to acquire wealth in the form of cattle, and sea shells. 

And, another thing the Chitauli forced human beings to do, they forced human beings to mine into the Earth.  The Chitauli activated human women and made them to discover minerals and metals of certain types.  Women discovered copper; women discovered gold; women discovered silver.  And, eventually, they were guided by the Chitauli to alloy these metals and to create new metals which had never existed in Nature before, metals such as bronze and brass and others.

Now, the Chitauli, further, removed the sacred rain-bringing mist from the sky and for the first time since creation, human beings looked up and saw stars, and the Chitauli told human beings that they have been wrong in believing that God dwelt under the Earth.  ?From now on,? the Chitauli told people of this Earth, ?the people of Earth must believe that God is in Heaven and they must do things here on Earth which would please this God who is in Heaven.? 

You see, originally, human beings had believed that God was underground, that she was a very great mother who dwelt under the Earth because they saw all the green things growing from under the Earth-the grass came from below ground, the trees grew from below ground, and the people had believed, therefore, that the dead people who died go underground.  But when the Chitauli turned humans? eyes towards the sky, people started believing, now, that God is in the sky and that those who die from this Earth don?t go underground, but go up into the sky.

And to this day, sir, throughout Africa wherever you go as an investigator, you will find this amazing-these two amazing ideas which conflict with each other.

Many African tribes believe in what is called Midzimu or Badimo.  Now, the word Midzimu or Badimo means ?them who are in the sky?.  But, in Zulu-land, amongst my people, you find this amazing schism going hand-in-hand.  There are Zulus who believe that the dead ones are the Abapansi, which means ?the ones who are below, who are under the Earth?.  Then there is another idea which says Abapezulu.  The word Abapezulu means ?those who are above?, and the word Abapansi, which is the oldest name for the spirits of the dead, means ?they who are under the Earth?.   

So, even today, sir, all over Africa amongst hundreds of tribes, you find this strange double-belief that the dead go into the sky, and side-by-side with the belief that the dead die and go under the Earth.  This belief that the dead die and go under the Earth is said to date to the days when our people believed that God was a woman, the great Cosmic Mother.  And, it is contrasted by the Abapezulu belief that God is a man who dwells in the sky. 

Now, sir, another thing that the Chitauli told our people, it is said, is that we human beings are here on Earth to change the Earth and to make it suitable for ?God? to come down one day and dwell in it.  And it is said that they who work to change this
''Come on, I want you to do it, I want you to do it. Come on, hit me. *Hit me!''

-The Joker to Batman, The Dark Knight


So what ? Are there any additional proofs for the existence of lizard men ?

I consider that David Icke is liar and the Zulus, well, go to South Africa and see by yourself. I have spent a few weeks there back in 90's and did not meet any lizard men. Was almost shot by two locals when hitchhiking in Transkei but they were not lizard and their guns were not laser-ray ...
The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist." - Charles Baudelaire (French and monstrous poet).


  I think one word applies to Loki's post.   SLAP! ( not at you Blow-Fly, but the idea in general ).  I too find it difficult to digest such an idea, though I too find Scientology quite a load to swallow.  It how ever was a good read. 
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


Well, maybe you dont have to search for the lizards outside of you  :roll:


Quote from: Milanee on May 30, 2009, 05:23:03 AM
Well, maybe you dont have to search for the lizards outside of you  :roll:

  What??  You mean there are lizards inside of me??  Then does that mean I am a demi god myself ( to humans at least ), Oh the implications of such a possibility.
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


I agree that the idea of the existence of evil reptillian beings that manipulate humanity for their own sinister ends is simply preposterous. Although there is probably little reason to doubt Mutwa's sincerity, the man is too much of a mystic to examine the actual validity of his beliefs in an empirical manner. Nevertheless, I posted this article since it provides a good example of how  traditional African mythology can be used by the Reptoid obsessed crowd to support their beliefs. At the other extreme, you have people who  suggest that supposed alien beings may instead be evil spirits from ancient mythology. To see an example of the kind of theories propogated by this particular group, keep an eye out for the article on the jinn that I'm planning to post here. 
''Come on, I want you to do it, I want you to do it. Come on, hit me. *Hit me!''

-The Joker to Batman, The Dark Knight


Quote from: Muerte on May 30, 2009, 01:19:25 PM
Quote from: Milanee on May 30, 2009, 05:23:03 AM
Well, maybe you dont have to search for the lizards outside of you  :roll:

  What??  You mean there are lizards inside of me??  Then does that mean I am a demi god myself ( to humans at least ), Oh the implications of such a possibility.

Could be, but on that god thing, check again, demons are not gods....


Quote from: Milanee on June 05, 2009, 06:31:15 AM
Quote from: Muerte on May 30, 2009, 01:19:25 PM
Quote from: Milanee on May 30, 2009, 05:23:03 AM
Well, maybe you dont have to search for the lizards outside of you  :roll:

  What??  You mean there are lizards inside of me??  Then does that mean I am a demi god myself ( to humans at least ), Oh the implications of such a possibility.

Could be, but on that god thing, check again, demons are not gods....

  Oh dear, now mankind is truely in trouble, I get to torture and maim for eternity.  Tremble before my scaly might!

Quotekeep an eye out for the article on the jinn that I'm planning to post here

  Looking forward to this one.
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.



Quote from: Milanee on June 06, 2009, 03:01:57 AM
You have scales?  :-o  :-o :-o

All lizard demons have scales, it protects us from all the lava in HELL.
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


mmmm, which reminds me... lava cakeeee.....  :lol:

sorry for this



So, does anyone have anything similair to share? If there are other cultures that also have legends and myths about stories that involve  evil lizard-men conspiring to dominate the planet, I'd greatly appreciate any information or links that  you could toss my way. Thanks.
''Come on, I want you to do it, I want you to do it. Come on, hit me. *Hit me!''

-The Joker to Batman, The Dark Knight


I think the Lizard people has around for quite some time. I think our government has always knew about them. They have been putting commercials, shows, movies, even cartoon about them since time now. Such as the TV series in the 80s called "V", in the 90s a cartoon called, Conan, the Conan movies, and now they remade the TV series of "V," again.... Credo and David Icke has been on to something for a bit now. Although it wouldn't surprise me at all if David Icke was a lizard man himself. But yeah I think these bad boys are out there. And I think they are here to dominate the planet. Subliminal messages is the key to what they are doing on TV, about the lizard men...
Death is the beginning of life. Life is the end of death. And only God lies in between the two.

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