
I beheld the wretch - the miserable monster whom I had created. - Mary Shelley, Frankenstein (1818)

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Sirens what do you think?

Started by Levinthross, January 27, 2010, 06:38:49 PM

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Sad story of the cursed hand maidens of persephone, maleovelent gruesome andcthonic man eating beasts, misunderstood water spirits without love
the wind that chills the night, the fire's golden light
the oceans call to you, the earthen fated tune,
I am the ivy binding tight i hold the spells all through the night, i am
nightshade's fated swoon of deaths kiss and witches broom


I've always felt rather sad for sirens. Spending eternity without love sounds horrible. They are fascinating creatures though & a wonderful metaphor for the view of women in many cultures as dangerous beings who lure men to their doom.

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