Started by jong, September 01, 2004, 09:35:14 PM

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the root of all evil is the xess of sex! god or nature designed sex for wise (meaning eugenically-oriented) procreation, not primarily for pleasure. playsure is a by-product not necessarily inherent to sex, as proven by some people for whom sex is actually quite painful. the first religions, whether for good or bad or both, were based on sex and fertility and many aspects of this can be traced right through the so-called "mainstream" cults of judaism, christianity, and islam. when are people going to stop pursuing farks for bucks and vice versa????

Dude, I think that you are just pissed because you are not getting any.  God said "fill the Earth".  I do agree that Sex should be limited to couples bound in marriage, but God made it pleasurable for a reason, in order to encourage pro-creation.  Eugenics is Evil, because it violates a persons rights to have childeren.  Who is to say who can have children, and who can not.  If those in power had their way, only their class would be allowed to breed.  If Hitler had his way only Arians would be able to breed.  If the Japanese had their way during WWII only they would be able to breed.  If the Jews had their way during the times of the Isrealy empire only they would be able to breed.  If the Muslims had their way only they would breed.  Need I go on, and you need to do some research on this.  A cult is a division of a religion that manipulates teh religions doctrine to serve it's own purposes.  What religion did judaism, christianity, and islam split off from, because all three can find their root in Adam the first man.  The oldest documents in the would point to that Christian doctrine is correct, and man started out bigger, stronger, smarter, and more holy.  Now we are getting smaller, weaker, dumber, and and more Evil.  Sex is quite painful for some, but that is usually an issue of size and control.  If the couple is careful they will learn how to please eachother, without hurting eachother.  In my totally unbiased opinion I think you are experiencing an over hostility towards sexual activity due to sexual frustrations of your own.  Take a cold shower and relax.
"Ninja monkeys are meeting as we speak plotting my demise."

O Mi Gosh!! I am Rolling On the Floor laughing!!!! That is hysterical!!!!!!!
I love it!

That was mean,demon boy,real mean.  :roll:

Sorry, I had to say what everyone else was thinking, plus I was tired so my mental filters were not functioning properly.  All I have to say is "am I wrong"?  No rebutal yet, and I am still watching.  And where did I get the nickname "Demon Boy"?  And in response to the meanness, "they don't pay me enough to be nice". LOL
"Ninja monkeys are meeting as we speak plotting my demise."

I apologize. I had no right to make your parentage a subject of scorn and ridicule.

Pal, I think you said everything that needs to be said on that subject. That was excellent! I've been in several sects but never a sex sect. We tried to achieve Nirvana by listening to Nirvana.........and eating french fries off of the roofs of UFOs. One of us made it. (it wasn't me.)

Alright M Man: cut it out! I shall dissect you and use you for fertilizer!  :o

No that is not it, I thought that you read one of my other posts, and was comenting on that, or had met my mother on one of her "bad days"(LOL), because it is not entirely inaccurate(':twisted:').

Voo, I gotta ask you, were they good rench fries, because I would hope that a species capable of interstalar travel would at least be able to make good French Fries?
"Ninja monkeys are meeting as we speak plotting my demise."