cache valley hauntings

Started by alastor moon, February 19, 2006, 05:56:55 PM

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a list of places to hear ghostly voices, chills and even see some "people".

Logan; hte nunnery up logan canyon(closed to hte public due to trespassing at night.) stoy has it that a nun had a baby adn didn't want the others to find out so she drowned it in a decorative pool in the yard.

Logan: the grapevine: a resaurant th has a ghostly presence that steals brooms and knocks things around. just tell it to knock it off in a firm voice and it'll behave.

North logan: green canyon: a spot up the canyon is said to have an evil or angry presence lucking about. horses get spooked when going near the place, birds don't sing, not even insects are found in that spot.

Smithfield: Summit elementary: this school used to be a junior high until north cache was built. teachers who's class rooms are in the old part ofhte school refuse to be in their clas roomw with out another Linving person with them. one teacher expierineced  seeing a junior high aged girl in 1920's clothes walk in and take the pencils out of studen'ts desks. when he aske ehr what she was doing she looked surprised and dissapeared, her handfull of pencils clattering to the floor.
an exjanitor once had his mop and bucket rool down the hall and around the corner(the hall had an upward slope.) no one else whas there.

smithfield:Main theatre: the building is now closed but local rock and punk bands rent it for shows. whe it was in use workers refused to go down in the old boiler room alone since they felt and "evil" or angry presence. one worker up on hte film room saw some people in the balcony joking around. he yelled at them to leave adn thye vanished into thin air.

if you know anymore haunted place in cache valley go ahead and post.
" 'tis now the witching time of night,
when churchyards yawn and hell itself breaths out contagion to this world,
now, could I drink hot blood, and do such bitter business as the day would quake to look on."