
I think you have to know who you are. Get to know the monster that lives in your soul, dive deep into your soul and explore it. - Tori Amos

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Zombie apocalypse becomes reality in Miami ...

Started by Nina, May 28, 2012, 08:44:17 AM

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A squad of zombies would surely be very hard to give orders too.

But could work on an island xD

And extremists dont really care if the virus spreads or not, they can always use it as "God Wrath" and fuel the further aggression. Its a good thing they are so poor :D lol

here is the newest


this case sounds intriguing and I'm certainly all in favour of the idea of the restless dead, or of biological warfare, but as someone who has put alot of research into the first and someone who as an ex-CI to the military has some insight into the other, i must say it has more of a drug-fuelled psychosis tint to it, at least in my mind
ut supra, ita infra

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