
Tell us, pray, what devil
This melancholy is, which can transform
Men into monsters... - John Ford

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Brain-eating Zombies invaded San Francisco

Started by prezhorusin04, August 24, 2006, 02:48:14 AM

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Brain-eating Zombies invaded San Francisco on Saturday
Laughing Squid reports, with pictures:

The zombies were first sighted at the corner of Sansome and Market Street, then they proceed up Market Street, converting innocent bystanders into the undead as they slowly marched on. Then they turned up Powell Street at the cable car turnaround, bewildering the tourists as they were waiting in line. After claiming Union Square as their own, they then went back down toward Market where they proceeded to invade the flagship San Francisco Apple store, causing chaos at the Bandwidth Shindig! which was taking place upstairs. Their current whereabouts are unknown, but rumor has it that they were looking for a "think tank" to find more Brains!!!!

The site has links to previous zombie invasions:

This wasn't the first zombie attack. Last year zombies took over Canada starting in July 2005 with Montreal and then in September 2005 it was Vancouver (Vancouver Zombie Walk 2005), followed by Toronto (Toronto Zombiewalk 2005) in October 2005. After the Montreal invasion, the zombies moved down to the US and in July 2005 they invaded San Francisco. Last Christmas, even santas became zombies at Zobmie Claus in Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor, Michigan.

In April 2006 the zombies made their way to Brisbane, Australia (Brisbane ZombieWalk). Most recently, the zombies returned to Vancouver (Zombie Walk 2006).


 Weak....Those are suck as$ zombies! If I was in a zombie parade believe me my make up would be awesome to pay ommage to all that is zombie!

Bloody Angel

Gee, it seems like zombies were set free from the "Thriller"'s video.
Not scary, by the way. Such a parade should be scheduled by night


Well, yeah, half the zombies are walking and laughing.... :roll:

You must forgive me, i am contractually obligated by electro-shock to post all information i come across regarding Zombies, at .... :spy:

Not really, but it makes it more dramatic if i say that.....



Notice the red stuff in front lady's robe pocket. WEAK!!! Used as blood -.-
We all wonder about one thing here. Can we create a virus or raise the dead or even talk to the dead?

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