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The Anti-Horror Zombie

Started by RedAngelfire, September 26, 2006, 08:45:16 PM

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I love zombies! They eat, kill, and maim the people that deserve it (as well as a couple hundred that don't, but you get the point.) But that's ALL the Hollywood zombies are and it makes me sick sometimes. Even more than the cliche` brain-eating, souless zombies, I enjoy the fluffy feeling when there is a zombie can walk and talk and of coarse eat people. I know it's a corny movie, but like 'My Boyfriend's Back' it makes a lot of sense. No one can figure out the reason zombies eat human flesh, and in that movie it explains that to eat someone means you don't decay as fast and you get a longer lasting after-life. I think every once in a while people should abandon the horror cliche` of zombies and create something original. Gimme` a zombie that I can jump into the TV and hug them to their second death. But of coarse they always have to eat someone, I mean they still are zombies and killing people is cool.

BTW if someone actually knows of a more original story that depicts a different outlook of zombies, something resembling what I'm describing here, than please share if you don't mind?  :wink:


Welcome RAF, i would recommend a book from 1989 entitled "Book of the Dead". It's nothing but short zombie stories from such authors as Ramsey Campbell, Robert R. McCammon, Stephen King and many others. It has horror-zombie fiction, comedy-zombie fiction, and even a zombie romance tale or two. Sounds like a book that you might enjoy..  :-)


Ooooh....*drool*...I think I love you right now...

Satan's Child

zombie romance tales?

lmao. that IS original.

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