
The sleep of reason produces monsters (El SueƱo de la Razon Produce Monstruos) - Francisco Goya

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The Zombie Survival Guide

Started by prezhorusin04, December 02, 2006, 05:07:02 PM

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Quote from: Raziel on March 24, 2008, 10:00:10 AM
seriously how is a bike safer than a car???

I guess the logic behind that, is that a bike won't run out of gas.  Although personally, if I'm expecting a zombie infestation at some point, I'd prefer to get a Subaru Impreza WRX with welded AND riveted steel armor plating , equiped with: spare gasoline (good for fuel or torching zombies); non-perishible foods; medical kit; hollow-point and fragmenting ammo; empty bottles, rags and old motor oil (for molotov cocktails); pump shotgun; .45 revolver; .45 semi-auto; machete; large knife; multi-tool; sleeping bag; blanket; elecrtic blanket; pillow... that's all I can think of right now.

Quote from: Raziel on March 24, 2008, 10:00:10 AM

and if they require thier brains to keep functioning, wouldn't a stun baton w/ an electric current stop em,?

   You'd still have to get too close with a stun baton, and you have no idea how long it'd knock them out. At least with a machete or sword you know they're dead.  I'd prefer a few sticks of dynamite, myself. Sure some of their upper bodies might be pulling along... but they crawl/drag slower than they walk, and you'd get a lot more of them.
People are afraid to be open-minded because they're afraid their brains will explode from an overdose of Truth.


Nay, you need an neutron bomb........ and several hundred miles to detonate it from............ maybe you'd just need super powers...... i heard Tokyo is building a Giant mecha. crazy Japaneses scientists ...........
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


I was thinking more accessibly. How would you get past the security to get the bomb, even supposing all the people in the silo are gone? Or what if they're all zombies now? You'd still need everything else just to get through them and get to the bomb.  Using C-4 in the facility might kill YOU before you can get to the control room. could rig up a liquid nitrogen gun, which would deep freeze them, then you could just smash them to pieces. Somehow, I don't think even zombies would be immune to being flash frozen solid.
People are afraid to be open-minded because they're afraid their brains will explode from an overdose of Truth.


zombies arn't immune to diseases right? Bio and chemical weapons!
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


Well, I guess that depends on what kind of zombie you're talking about. Zombies created by viral contagion might be susceptible (though said virus might attack any other biological agents that attempt entry, after all, what's the use in engineering a virus that would be so easily defeated). Or created by the 'Zombie cocktail' featuring Carribean Blowfish poison. Chemical agents might work on them, since they are alive.  Actual (mystically/magically risen) undead zombies might not be sisceptible because:  1) they're already dead, so there's not brain or nervous system activity to disrupt; and 2) as true undead entities, they are probably in a constant state of decelerated decomposition, which means that they are constantly teeming with all sorts of nast bacteria and viruses that would kill the living. The second deadliest bite in the world, after that of the Komodo Dragon, is the bite of a living human being. The human mouth conntains 23 kinds of bacteria, which is about 18 more than dogs. Imagine how much and what kind of bacteria is in just the mouth of a rotting, animated corpse.  Not to mention the kinds of bacteria to be found in said animated corpses stomach, liver, kidneys, intestines...
And as for chemical agents, seeing as how they have mystical/magical energies coursing through their bodies, and none of the conventional bio-electric impulses, I don't think chemical agents would have anything (brain function, nervous systems, etc.) available to disrupt.
People are afraid to be open-minded because they're afraid their brains will explode from an overdose of Truth.

i am not infected

-Survivor and Stranded
Los Angeles, CA Zombie Outbreak


I believe they smell things out. No eyesight but also have very good hearing.  Die zombies! :gun:
You have but to fear fear itself.

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