
I beheld the wretch - the miserable monster whom I had created. - Mary Shelley, Frankenstein (1818)

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necromancy-the noble art of the dead

Started by soul blighter, June 17, 2004, 02:38:53 AM

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yes true ,I unstand necromancy but havn't tried it yet ,I might :< hehehehhehehe :< what? can't I have a evil moment? *<:)
The creature rose up to thee and he said........


Don't bring the dead back it wont end well.
Just remember, Silver and fire. silver and fire.


I came across this site lately that could be of interest for you:
The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist." - Charles Baudelaire (French and monstrous poet).


i think its an amazing way to show your command and authority to the living. and for your information YES i am trying to use that as an exscuse until i find some actualy necromancy. then....oh then this will be interesting *evil grin*...*dissapears into shadows*


why bother the dead at all?  they did their time on earth, why not let them enjoy their peace?

...personally i hope you all do find your "secret" necromancy books and summon up oodles of dead to tear you apart, laugh at your soul and then pass it around their mates to have fun with...they can do such things, they've had ages under the earth, and if they're susceptible to such manipulations, then they know what to do, you've had what, a few decades alive on earth, as a human?

this is what i eventually found so repulsive about the occult, not the art itself but the practicioners that have developed no respect, care or concern for what they're dealing with, just dreaming of the power, glory and awe factor that it can bring...if you can even muster up the energy to sustain a horde of undead, why would you need to bother with minions for, you'd be a god, not living like a parasite.
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."


well said jordayn . there is nothing good about the business ur dealing with. if u want to summon hordes of un-dead so that u feel powerful then fine go ahead and try. but there will always be those out there who would take out all your zombies and u. if i were you id stop wasting my time with the nonsense before you get in over your head.
We are all monsters in some way.


........... Horde of the undead and tearing of flesh. + Lack of energy to sustain said undead.........

This maybe obviously too late but......

Flesh eating zombies any one? Think RES Evil.........

Plus if your a necromancer.. isn't the zombie bound to your will because you just  take the "echo"(not the actual soul) of the dead person and stuff in it.

I personaly agree with the veiw on souls on te website. its just for furthur info.

for more info on the stuff......
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts

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