The Animal Within > The Otherkin & Therians


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so all my life i have had dreams of wolves, and i have always felt a weird pull towards wolves, but not in a good way. in my dreams they are always terrorizing me and killing my family and it's always the same wolf, he kind of resembles my old dog which is part of one of the dreams. i have never been able to figure out who he was or why he was doing this to me... any ideas? i'm not even sure if this fits in this subject category, but i'm not really sure where it would go lol
      anyway, i'd love to see what someone else thought xoxox

A past life trauma maybe?

Just a shot in the dark but, were you ever afraid of your old dog?  Probably not. Do you feal any guilt regarding the dog, something maybe as simple as not being there when it died, or ran away, or gave it away.... something along those lines?

If not.

A wolf in a dream can symbolize many things. Agression is clearly one of them, but perhaps it is a manifestation of your own agression, yet in the dream it is turned against usually where outward aimed agression usually ends up in the long run. 

Does anything else about the dream stick out in your mind?

Sounds like there is a problem in your life that you won't/can't face, and need to. The fact that you feel a not-so-good pull towards them outside the dream world, is the reason they show up as your terror in the dream.

This could mean, that something happened in your past has left its mark; like Ravin suggested; perhaps a form of guilt.
It could be something in your life now, or even something you will have to face in your life soon.

If you have the dreams constantly, then it could be ( again as Ravin suggested),  your own personal turmoil.

What I would suggest, is write down the parts of your dreams that stand out... the dates... and go over everything that happened to you the day or days before you had the dream. You may find a connection somewhere.

EDIT:  I was looking around through my notes on dreams and stuff, and found a list of animals and what they mean:

When seen in a Negative fashion ( ie: chasing, attacking ) the Wolf represents Hostility, Aggression, or Mischievousness.  A Repetition in your dreams may point to an "All-Consuming" situation, such as an Obsession, Addiction or something else that you seem to be Losing Control over in your life.

( Also, I don't know that too many people would have a problem with this topic being here since it relates to the topics in a way... But if it belongs anywhere else, it'd be in the Dreaming section under Witches Brew. I'm sure if a Mod had an issue with it, they could move it appropriately. I wouldn't worry. )

one fortunate thing is that i haven't had the dreams in a while, but they had started before that particular had passed. (i really was such a small child) so for me it isn't that i'm still having the dream but the fact that even outside of the dream world i think about it, it's like he's always with me. i'm in my twenties now, and i had the dream until i was probably 16 or 17. i would have the dreams (there were several reoccurring ones) i think once or twice a month. i think though if i do ever have it again i will record it and make note of what happened that day. and as far as my relationship with my passed dog, i loved her she was like a mommy to me, she was very protective and so affectionate , and actually in one of the dreams the wolf kills her and waits in her dog house (she didn't actually have one in real life, she slept in the house) for me to come find her and then starts to rip me apart in her dog house, and this is all after he kills the rest of my family. if it's always the same wolf could that be significant or is it just a coincidence?
    i didn't realize there was a dream section... oops :( and i think that if it's a problem that i have to face i think i might know what it was/is. my biggest concern is the fact that i am still so terrified of wolves and i still feel this odd connection with them


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