
Started by Loki, February 28, 2006, 04:02:20 PM

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Michele is one of our italian member (can't remember her monstrous pseudo). She has an ambitious project to shoot movies on our beloved monsters starting with Wolfie.

Her website and movie preview is at : Download the preview ....

She can be reached at :
in case your uncle is a movie producer at Hollywood ...
The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist." - Charles Baudelaire (French and monstrous poet).

Hi all and thanks to Loki for the announcement.
Errr... I am a male, and never whished to be a "she"...
You can send your comments and suggestions via my website or email me on preference at

Thank you all

Sorry for the confusion of gender, the message remains the same ...

BTW, in french and english "michel" is he and "michel(l)e" is she

The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist." - Charles Baudelaire (French and monstrous poet).

Its ok, Loki ;)

BTW, the Italian Michele is pure male, while Michela is exclusively female.
Just to let you know...

What exactly is going on?

Here's sorta the cliff note version of what's been happening (only from what I can tell):

-michele_co used Monstrous and those who contributed to it in the past to make a documentary on werewolves.
-Loki, since helping michele_co thought he was a she because of the culture clash.
-Loki just found out michele_co is actually a he.

All in all, we should watch the preview of michele_co and send our comments to

Question though to micele_co, isn't it a little late for us to send in these comments to help the film?  Isn't it in its near finished condition?

I have been in contact with Loki since Spring 2004 to ask permission to use monstrous' scripts.
I believe Loki was thinking about some girl while writing the message... ;)
You are not late in sending your comments and suggestions because the documentary is just a pilot episode and is online only since january 19 and we are working to re-shoot it not before next september. We want to add some interviews with wolves' field researchers, medics, writers, therians and park rangers.
BTW if you believe you can contribute with your experiences/news/personal theories/intereting facts we would be pleased to get in contact with you.
We expect the final product to be a 50 minutes documentary based on the same script but will explore the subject in more depth.
It will be the first episode for a series of documentaries about different mithical creatures.
Feel free to post any suggestion.

I'd love to help but is there a way that you could post a Window's Media Player version?

Sorry, that is not possible.
You can access QT player download page via my site. QT is very efficient and offers a better quality. That's why we uploaded an mpg QT movie.