VERY old member...

Started by JayDee_Lupus, July 25, 2006, 01:33:54 PM

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Most likely no-one will remember me, I kinda went AWOL two years ago. Since then I've aquired some information and a lot of opinions. I feel I would be able to learn more from here, now, and perhaps actually teach a thing or two.

No, I'm not a werewolf. Yes, I do want to be one. No, I'm not a mindless creep who's just here to ask "How to I become a werewolf?" because that just makes you go backwards. I wanted to get that cleared up nice and early.

Anyways, I'm back, and staying this time, and I'd like to say hi to Loup_Garou, it's great to see that my fave member is still here.

Feel free to ask anything... okay, nearly everything. I'm here for the same reason everyone else is.
Insanity. You learn to live with it.

Welcome back, the werewolf forums are pretty active here so you'll get to talk with a lot of people.  :crazy:

Heh - It's good to see you back on the boards again, JayDee. I remember you quiet well. I'll be looking forward to hearing about your long strange journey outside The Box, as it were. :)

~ Loup