Ghosts, Poltergeists & Apparitions > Shadows

Stalked by a shadow?

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I posted this in another forum, given that the participants there have had some dealings with the abnormal before, and might be of some help. One suggested that I might be dealing with something called a "shadow" and he directed me here for more information.
I shall now post my story, and perhaps you folks could give me a bit of insight.

For the past year or so, I have had occasional encounters in the second half of the night. I'm not sure if they are entirely products of my own mind, but nearing the end of my sleep, I'll have the feeling of being in my bed, asleep, and something will be on top of me trying to drain life out of me. I attempt to fight, but it's vaporous and intangible, and I try various things to drive it off. Usually I fight it with my will, sometimes attempting to reverse things and drain the life out of it. IN any case, over the course of time, I seemed to win most of these encounters, and it gradually grew weaker.
Then, 3 months of NO encounters at all, followed by ONE encounter. At that point, I could tell it was considerably weaker than when it first begun, and I was able to easily dispatch it. It then did not return for quite some time after that.
HOWEVER, very recently, it has returned, stronger than ever before. I was not able to dispatch it this time, and had to force myself awake several times, then changing sleeping positions (Which is a good way to avoid a repeat of a dream) however that had no effect on things. I was fairly tired, and fell back to sleep easily. At one point I attempted to draw the being's body into my hand, basically preforming a psi-ball but using IT as the source of power. This disoriented it for a bit. I ultimately escaped and woke myself up enough by moving my thumb to my mouth while still in the dream state, and biting my thumb, allowing the pain to awaken me. Despite being asleep and dreaming, I had an awareness of what position my limbs actually were in, and was thus able to manipulate them.

I'm a bit worried at this recent development in things, however. Perhaps some of you have experienced similar, or have some knowledge on this. Also, in this most recent encounter, there were brief shots of some sort of... scream. Like the type you would associate with some sort of stereotypical ghost or... banshee or something. Just real short bursts, periodically.

I should mention, EVERY time, when they came, I always was asleep in my bed, or DREAMING that I was asleep in my bed, with my eyes closed, when first I felt a solid body, very comforting, but then gradually it would become vaporous and drain from me.

So... "Shadow" as this other person thought, or something else? And if something else, then what? I really wouldnt mind getting to the bottom of it. If it IS a shadow, from what I've read in the shadow forum, it's just another sentient lifeform trying to survive, and so I don't mind helping it out. But if it's something else, I need to take measures to deal with the situation.

Devious Viper:
This may seem irrelevant, but bear with me  :-)

Are you religious at all?

Dark Lord M:
Just to get off topic for a little bit Viper, but what has relgion to do with these type of sightings?

I am, infact, a Christian. And I have no shame in saying such.

Dark Lord M:
Oh yes, another one! Also, do any shadows take on forums with any distinct features? Like hoods, hats, capes, or anything that seem apart of them?


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