The Animal Within > The Otherkin & Therians

Soul Transfer Between Planes of Reality


I sit and think- often just why? but sometimes how? and sometimes C'mon Thats just ToOO silly!

But still, to make my point- On this site there are many people whose describe experiences that relate to 'presences' 'spirits' 'beings' 'awareness's' 'souls' 'demons' and also 'realms' 'planes' 'dimensions' 'realities' 'planets' 'timelines' and suchlike.

We exist on a timeline, in a dimension of space. Earlier I was thinking of it in terms of a percieved bandwidth of frequency(this would explain Indigo Children). I also like to think of it as a spiral over which many things overlap but still evolve(viewed from the top, if you percieve it from the side it is different, arghh, it gets so complicated when you bring in perception and sensory awareness).  What I am trying to do in my head is work out how come you can have an Elven otherkin and a Dragon otherkin and a Demon and a Kitsune and well, everything.

Well, because there is a probability, no matter how small, of everything. (There is a very, very small probability that whilst I am writing this I wiil change into a chicken and then back again without noticing, its very small but its there). Then there probabilty that, all things that can exist, do exist.

But Where? Well, in alternate planes (and timelines, one is space one is time). Some of them must brush very close to us (being similar or sharing a source). Maybe that is what Heaven is. Maybe in another nearby one demons and ghosts live. I know that a lot of what I am writing is heavily influenced by what I read and what I already know, but people are still so defensive about individual beliefs. I know it sounds a bit sappy but I believe in Everything.
Everything being EVERYTHING!

Why do the souls and beings of other dimensions and planes exist  within ourselves and in our timeline and reality. Maybe they are persecuted, maybe its accidental, maybe its for fun.

Can we do it? (slip into other planes) Maybe we already do... when we dream, or when we die we go into a different plane.

This is my current belief, does it sound rational? Is it too vague? Have I just ripped off a load of sci-fi writers and philosophers and scientists for my own ends?

I know how that handfull of people feel, the only problem is that this is normally classified as some kind of manic disorder and physicians overlook what is actually there


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