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Human/animal hybrids are coming to reality

Started by Loki, February 11, 2006, 02:10:31 PM

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President George W. Bush, in last week's State of the Union address, made a most concerted point of addressing the problem of human/animal hybrids

"Tonight I ask you to pass legislation to prohibit the most egregious abuses of medical research: human cloning in all its forms; creating or implanting embryos for experiments; creating human-animal hybrids; and buying, selling or patenting human embryos."

To me this is a sign that  technology is now ready to produce genetically-modified and enhanced men-beasts ... and this is not gonna be stopped
The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist." - Charles Baudelaire (French and monstrous poet).


This may be not such a bad thing.  Animals work on instinct and usually follow that instinct.  Humans work from greed, revenge and manipulation.  Perhaps the human race could be better.

Empty Void
For the life of a creature is in the blood, And I have given it to you........


The book "Ishmael" has a good deal to say on the nature of humanity. First and foremost, that humanity itself is not evil, nor is it intrinsically flawed. Rather, it is the cultures that are flawed. It's a good read. I suggest you pick it up. It's considered classic literature now, so it'll likely be at your public library.



I would like to read the book, but I'm not sure it will change my views on humanity.  Who is the author?

Empty Void
For the life of a creature is in the blood, And I have given it to you........


The author is Daniel Quinn.

It might not change your views, but it may give them a new perspective. It's not humans that are the problem, it's Takers. Takers are societies based on the founding principle that humans are exempt from the Laws of Nature - that they are special among all God's (or whomevers) creatures. Which, of course, is total BS. Humans may be special, but we are in no way exempt from any Laws, nor are we better than any of the other creatures that were put here. It would be like France suddenly declaring that it doesn't like being stuck on the ground anymore, and henceforth doesn't have to abide by the Laws of Gravity. Ridiculous sounding, no? Every other culture would look at them and give a collective: "What are they thinking? Are they stupid?" It's the same thing with the Laws of Nature. ALL animals live by those laws, and any who don't simply go extinct. Period. No debate, no lecture, no "But I'm special!" - just gone. Arrogance is not an excuse.

That's the premise in a nut-shell. I  think that pretty much everyone here would like it. It's a fast and easy read (about 150 pgs or so). Beyond that, spread the word to friends and family. I think everyone even remotely influenced by "Western Culture" (even though there are Takers in Asian, Australian and African cultures as well) could stand to read this book and wake up from their delusion of grandeur already. But that's a rant for another thread... :-D

The point is - read the book. It's really good and has many wise things to say.


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